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Map enum to a function/action using enum-specific method

I'm working on an online booking site (airline) and I want to validate if the user/customer's chosen route is valid according to some settings. The existing codes uses a lot of enums and I found myself doing lots of if/if else/else to map a specific enum to a particular action that I wanted to happen. What I want to do is to write a enum-specific method that would do the mapping for me. Is there any standard way to do this?

Here's a simplified version of the app code using the same class names/enum values etc from the real app:

// real app has 9 members, shortened for simplicity's sake
public enum RegionType

public enum Directionality

// simplified version
public class Flight
     public RegionType RegionType { get; set; }
     public RegionType TravelRegionType { get; set; }
     public string RegionCode { get; set; }
     public string TravelRegionCode { get; set; }
     public string RegionCountryCode { get; set; }
     public string TravelRegionCountryCode { get; set; }
     public Directionality Directionality { get; set; }

Here's some sample usage:

    // valid flight
    Flight flight = new Flight()
        RegionCode = "NY",
        CountryCode = "JP",
        RegionType = RegionType.Station,
        TravelRegionType = RegionType.Country,
        Directionality = Directionality.Between

    // these are the station code/country code that user selected
    // needs to be validated against the Flight object above
    var userSelectedRoutes = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>() 
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("NY", "JP"),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("NY", "AU"),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("JP", "NY")

Some code validation I wrote to lessen nested if/else if/else enum matching:

private bool IsRouteValid(Directionality direction, string origin, 
                          string destination, string departure, string arrival)
    // both departure station and arrival station
    if (direction == Directionality.Between)
        return (origin.Equals(departure, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
          && destination.Equals(arrival, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
               || origin.Equals(arrival, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
          && destination.Equals(departure, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
    else if (direction == Directionality.From)
            return (origin.Equals(departure, 
    else if (direction == Directionality.To)
            return (destination.Equals(arrival, 

    return false;

And here's the messy code I want to change:

if (flight.RegionType == RegionType.Station 
    && flight.TravelRegionType == RegionType.Country)
     return userSelectedRoutes.Any(route => 
            IsRouteValid(flight.Directionality, route.Key, route.Value,
            flight.RegionCode, flight.TravelRegionCode));
else if (flight.RegionType == RegionType.Country 
&& flight.TravelRegionType == RegionType.Station)
    return userSelectedRoutes.Any(route => 
           IsRouteValid(flight.Directionality, route.Key, route.Value,
           flight.CountryCode, flight.RegionCode));
else if (flight.RegionType == RegionType.Station 
&& flight.TravelRegionType == RegionType.Station)
    return userSelectedRoutes.Any(route => 
           IsRouteValid(flight.Directionality, route.Key, route.Value,
                       flight.RegionCode, flight.TravelRegionCode));
else if (flight.RegionType == RegionType.Station 
&& flight.TravelRegionType == RegionType.All)
    return userSelectedRoutes.Any(route => 
           IsRouteValid(flight.Directionality, route.Key, route.Value,
                       flight.RegionCode, route.Value));
else if (flight.RegionType == RegionType.All 
&& flight.TravelRegionType == RegionType.Station)
    return userSelectedRoutes.Any(route =>
           IsRouteValid(flight.Directionality, route.Key, route.Value,
           route.Key, flight.TravelRegionCode));
else if (flight.RegionType == RegionType.All 
        && flight.TravelRegionType == RegionType.All)
    return true;
    return false;


RegionCode = departure station/origin
TravelRegionCode = arrival station/destination
Between = routes must be only from the given departure station and arrival station and vice-versa (ex NY-JP or JP-NY)
From = from particular station to any routes (ex AU-All)
To = any routes to a particular station (ex All-AU)

If you could notice, the .Any of all the conditions above are same with slight changes. I want to reduce code redundancy, if possible. I used KeyValuePair so I have both departure station and arrival station on a single data type.

Any ideas on how could I make this code less messy/beautiful? I know I also hard coded IsRouteValid() but I'm 100% sure that Directionality could only have the 3 possible combinations. RegionType on the other hand could have several several combinations like Station-Station, Station-Country, Country-Station, Country-Country etc.

Expected Output:

Valid/True for first route (NY-JP)
Invalid/False for second route (NY-AU)
Valid/True for third route (JP-NY) [since Directionality is Between]

Thank you for reading this very long query and thanks in advance for your feedback and suggestions.

Similar post:

Enum and Dictionary

like image 338
Annie Lagang Avatar asked Jan 18 '13 08:01

Annie Lagang

2 Answers

A way to handle such enum-Action-Mappings is using dictionaries. Here's an example:

public enum MyEnum

private IDictionary<MyEnum, Action> Mapping = new Dictionary<MyEnum, Action>
        { MyEnum.EnumValue1, () => { /* Action 1 */ } },
        { MyEnum.EnumValue2, () => { /* Action 2 */ } },
        { MyEnum.EnumValue3, () => { /* Action 3 */ } }

public void HandleEnumValue(MyEnum enumValue)
    if (Mapping.ContainsKey(enumValue))

Of course you can also use Func instead of Action to handle parameters.


As you're not only using one enumeration but pairs of enumerations you would have to adjust the example above to maybe handle a Tuple or another way to aggregate the enum values.

like image 153
MatthiasG Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11


Following @MatthiasG suggestion, here's the code I'd ended up writing:

private List<KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>> 
                GetRegionTypeAndValueMapping(Flight flight, 
                                             RegionType regionType,
                                             RegionType travelRegionType)
    var mapping = new List<KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>>();
    if(regionType == RegionType.Station)
        mapping.Add(new KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>
                          (RegionType.Station, flight.RegionCode));
    else if(regionType == RegionType.Country)
        mapping.Add(new KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>
                          (RegionType.Country, flight.RegionCountryCode));
    else if(regionType == RegionType.All)
        mapping.Add(new KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>
                          (RegionType.All, null));

    if(travelRegionType == RegionType.Station)
        mapping.Add(new KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>
                          (RegionType.Station, flight.TravelRegionCode));
    else if(travelRegionType == RegionType.Country)
        mapping.Add(new KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>
    else if(travelRegionType == RegionType.All)
        mapping.Add(new KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>
                          (RegionType.All, null));

    return mapping;

I used List<KeyValuePair<RegionType, string>> because Dictionary doesn't allow key duplicates. My keys are of RegionType enum and there will be a time that both departure and arrival stations will have the same RegionType enum. (i.e. Station-Station, Country-Country and All-All).

// Copyright (c) 2010 Alex Regueiro
// Licensed under MIT license, available at 
// <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>.
// Published originally at 
// <http://blog.noldorin.com/2010/05/combinatorics-in-csharp/>.
// Version 1.0, released 22nd May 2010.

// modified by moi to be a generator 
public static IEnumerable<T[]> GetPermutations<T>(IList<T> list, 
                                                  int? resultSize, 
                                                  bool withRepetition)
    if (list == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("Source list is null.");

    if (resultSize.HasValue && resultSize.Value <= 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("Result size must be any 
                                     number greater than zero.");

    var result = new T[resultSize.HasValue ? resultSize.Value : list.Count];
    var indices = new int[result.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
        indices[i] = withRepetition ? -1 : i - 1;

    int curIndex = 0;
    while (curIndex != -1)
        if (indices[curIndex] == list.Count)
            indices[curIndex] = withRepetition ? -1 : curIndex - 1;
            result[curIndex] = list[indices[curIndex]];
            if (curIndex < indices.Length - 1)
                yield return result;


Okay, I cheated. :P I needed a method that will compute permutations with repetitions, so instead of writing one, I googled. (hehe) The reason why I used permutations is to avoid hard coding all the possible combinations that RegionType might have. I modified Alex Regueiro's method to be a generator so that I could use Linq for it. For a refresher on Permutation and Combination, see this very excellent math stackexchange post.

I modified IsRouteValid() to handle RegionType.All whose value is null.

Here's the modified version:

private bool IsRouteValid(Directionality direction, string origin, 
                          string destination, string departure, 
                          string arrival)
     // ** == All stations/countries
     if ((origin == null && departure == "**") &&
         (destination == null && arrival == "**"))
         return true;
     else if (origin == null && departure == "**")
        return destination.Equals(arrival, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     else if (destination == null && arrival == "**")
       return origin.Equals(departure, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    // both departure station and arrival station
    if (direction == Directionality.Between)
            return (origin.Equals(departure,
                    StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && 
                    StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || 
                    StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&         
    else if (direction == Directionality.From)
        return (origin.Equals(arrival, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
    else if (direction == Directionality.To)
        return (destination.Equals(departure, 

    return false;

It's show time!

RegionType[] allRegionTypes = (RegionType[]) 

var validFlights = 
      GetPermutations<RegionType>(allRegionTypes, 2, true)
         .Select(perm => new 
                           RegionType = perm.First(),
                           TravelRegionType = perm.Last() 
         .Where(result => result.RegionType == flight.RegionType &&  
                          result.TravelRegionType ==                            
         .Select(map => 

    // same functionality as my previous messy code
    // validates all flights selected by user
    // it doesn't matter if not all flights are valid
    // as long as one of them is
    foreach(var validFlight in validFlights)
        userSelectedRoutes.Any(kvp => IsRouteValid(flight.Directionality, 
                                      .Dump("Any Flight");

I created this code to demonstrate how I got the result which is the same as the my expected results above.

    foreach(var route in userSelectedRoutes)
        foreach(var validFlight in validFlights)
            bool condition = IsRouteValid(flight.Directionality, 

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}-{1} {2}", 


expected results screenshot


.Dump() is a Linqpad extension.

like image 42
Annie Lagang Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Annie Lagang