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Many to many relationship with a composite key on SQLAlchemy

Let's say I have the following model:

class Molecule(Base):
   db = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   data = Column(Integer)

class Atom(Base):
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   weight = Column(Integer)

And I want to establish a many-to-many relationship between Molecule and Atom, what would be the best way to do it? Notice that the primary key of Molecule is composite.


like image 518
Christian Teijon Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 08:12

Christian Teijon

2 Answers

many-to-many association tables should be defined like this:

molecule2atom = Table(
  Column('molecule_db', Integer),
  Column('molecule_id', Integer),
  Column('atom_id', Integer, ForeignKey('atom.id')),
    ('molecule_db', 'molecule_id'),
    ('molecule.db', 'molecule.id')  ),

And add the relatiohship to one of the models as usual, for example, in Class Atom add:

molecules = relationship("Molecule", secondary=molecule2atom, backref="atoms")
like image 176
Christian Teijon Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 23:12

Christian Teijon

I liked the solution given here better - composite key many to many

like image 34
Burple Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 21:12
