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Manually parse part of a response when using Retrofit

I'm working with a REST API that returns a JSON document that starts as follows and includes a "collection" of items with string IDs like "ABC". Note the "routes" field, which contains a series of fields called "ABC", "ABD", "ABE" etc, however routes is not represented as an array in the json, so all these


I'm using Retrofit and the problem is the routes field is not an array (despite the fact conceptually it certainly is) and Retrofit/Gson require me to create a model object for routes with field vars abc, abd, etc - this is not practical as the data changes. For various reasons changing the server API is hard, so I'm looking to work around this on the Android client.

I figure these are options:

  • Intercept the JSON document before it reaches Gson and tweak the document, possibly with a customised Gson parser, or by intercepting the HTTP response.

  • Bypass the JSON parsing, and acquire the JSON document from Retrofit (I've yet to figure out how to do this, or if it's possible)

  • Use some feature of Retrofit I'm unaware of to map field names to a collection.

I'd appreciate help, especially if there's a quick and easy way to resolve this.

like image 561
Ollie C Avatar asked Sep 29 '14 11:09

Ollie C

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1 Answers

It turns out that Retrofit's use of Gson by default makes it fairly easy to add a custom deserialiser to handle the portion of the JSON document that was the problem.

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()

public Converter getGsonConverter() {
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
            .registerTypeAdapter(RouteList.class, new RouteTypeAdapter())
    return  new GsonConverter(gson);

public class RouteTypeAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<RouteList> {
    public RouteList deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        RouteList routeList = new RouteList();
        JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
        for (Map.Entry<String,JsonElement> elementJson : jsonObject.entrySet()){
            RouteList wardsRoutes = gson.fromJson(elementJson.getValue().getAsJsonArray(), RouteList.class);
        return routeList;

like image 82
Ollie C Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Ollie C