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Manipulating the local file system with browser-based JavaScript and Node

I am making a project that needs to allow users to interact with the file system from a browser. I have a lot of experience writing client-side JavaScript, and I have a lot of experience writing Node scripts for things like web scraping, data analysis, and file system work. But this project will let users change things in the browser, and then save that data locally (and, eventually, to a web server) – and I have no experience with this.

I've installed browserify and browserify-fs to use Node's fs module in the browser, and used the example from the browserify-fs README to create a directory, write a file to it, and then read that file:

var fs = require('browserify-fs');

fs.mkdir("/home", function(err){
    if (err) throw err;

    fs.writeFile("/home/hello-world.txt", "Hello world!", function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;

        fs.readFile("/home/hello-world.txt", "utf-8", function(err, data) {
            if (err) throw err;


This "works" in the sense that it logs "Hello world!" in the console. But as far as I can tell, it does not create a directory or save a file locally. I have some vague sense that it is saving these things temporarily in the browser, and that they are deleted when I navigate away. But I want to actually create a directory and save a file in it locally. Can I do that with JavaScript alone? Is there a good tutorial on how to "close the loop" between browser-based JavaScript and Node?


I've accepted T.J. Crowder's response – ExpressJS does, indeed, make client-server communication in JavaScript relatively simple. What I'm doing now is, I'm saving the user's entries to a global JSON object. When the user clicks a "save" button, I update the value of a hidden <input> element in a <form> element with the stringified JSON. Then I submit the form, and Express's app.post() plus the module body-parser give me everything in req.body. Then I can perform normal Node file system operations.

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Harry Stevens Avatar asked Sep 28 '17 11:09

Harry Stevens

People also ask

Can JavaScript manipulate local files?

JavaScript does not have direct access to the local files due to security and privacy. We can offer the user the possibility to select files via a file input element that we can then process.

Can JavaScript in browser access local files?

Web browsers (and JavaScript) can only access local files with user permission. To standardize the file access from the browser, the W3C published the HTML5 File API in 2014. It defines how to access and upload local files with file objects in web applications.

What module does NodeJS include for manipulating the file system?

With Node. js, you can programmatically manipulate files with the built-in fs module. The name is short for “file system,” and the module contains all the functions you need to read, write, and delete files on the local machine.

How do I run a NodeJS file in my browser?

Browserify lets you require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies. In order to use the modular system of Node. js to structure your JavaScript applications on the client side, you can use Browserify to require JavaScript modules from JavaScript running on the browser. Browsers lack the Node.

1 Answers

Naturally, browser-hosted JavaScript cannot access the file system of the user's machine (at present; someday, some kind of sandboxed access may happen — the last attempt failed, but that doesn't mean the next one has to — the next attempt is in Chromium browsers now).

So to do this, you'll need two pieces:

  1. A browser piece, which does the UI with the user.

  2. A Node piece, which runs on the user's machine (and thus can access the file system) and which the browser piece uses to do the actual file operations.

Probably the easiest way for the pieces to interact would be HTTP, which you can trivially support using ExpressJS.

So for instance, if the user wants to delete a file:

  1. User clicks something to say "delete this file"
  2. Browser JavaScript sends the command to the Node process over HTTP via ajax
  3. Node process does the deletion and reports success/failure
  4. Browser JavaScript displays the result
like image 195
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

T.J. Crowder