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Managing reference paths between x86 and x64 workstations in a team

I would like to know how .NET teams out there are handling assembly reference paths when not everybody can immediately upgrade to a x64 operating system. The key issue right now is x64 versions of Windows will plant 32-bit installations into C:\Program Files (x86)\ instead of the regular C:\Program Files. This means many extra components and frameworks from 3rd parties end up in C:\Program Files (x86).

So when one downloads source projects created/modified in a x86 workstation onto a x64 workstation, there is some modification work required to get the reference paths correct. Quite typically, x64 users may save the modification and commit their "preferences" back into the version control repository, breaking the rhythm of the x86 users.

What are some good approaches to maintain harmony in a varied team?

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icelava Avatar asked Oct 29 '08 03:10


1 Answers

Either install the assemblies in the GAC on each machine, or have a special LIB folder under your solution root that contains all your 3rd party assemblies. The LIB folder is what I've used for the last few years myself. I even put the assemblies in source control so other/new developers get them without having to think about it.

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sliderhouserules Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10
