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Managing a queue in JavaScript via callbacks

I am working on a page that uses JavaScript to manage a queue. My challenge is my code has nested callbacks. The nested callbacks are confusing me in regards to the scope of my queue. Currently, I have the following:

function MyApp() {}
module.exports = MyApp;

MyApp.myQueue = [];
MyApp.queueIsLocked = false;

MyApp.enqueue = function(item, onSuccess, onFailure) {
  if (!MyApp.queueIsLocked) {
    MyApp.queueIsLocked = true;        
    MyApp.queueIsLocked = false;

      function() {
        console.log('item: ' + item.id);

        MyApp.queueIsLocked = true;                      
          function(index) {
            if (index !== -1) {
              MyApp.myQueue.splice(index, 1);
              MyApp.queueIsLocked = false;

              if (onSuccess) {
      function() {
        alert('Unable to send item to the server.');
        if (onFailure) {

MyApp.findItemById = function(id, onComplete) {
  var index = -1;
  if (MyApp.queueIsLocked) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      // Attempt to find the index again.
    }, 100);
  } else {
    MyApp.queueIsLocked = true;
    for (var i=0; i<MyApp.myQueue.length; i++) {
      if (MyApp.myQueue[i].id === id) {
        index = i;

  if (onComplete) {

The send function behaves differently based on the details of item. Sometimes the item will be sent to one server. Sometimes, it will be sent to multiple servers. Either way, I do not know when the item will be done being "sent". For that reason, I'm using a callback to manage the queue. When the item is done being "sent", I want to remove it from the queue. I need to use either a timeout or interval to check to see if the queue is locked or not. If its not locked, I want to remove the item from the queue. This check is adding another level of nesting that is confusing me.

My challenge is, I do not believe that the scope of index is working like I expected. I feel like I'm getting a race condition. I'm basing this on the fact that I've written the following Jasmine test:

describe('Queue', function() {
  describe('Approach 1', function() {
    it('should do something', function() {
      MyApp.enqueue({id:'QRA', text:'Test A'});

  describe('Approach 2', function() {
    it('should successfully queue and dequeue items', function() {
      MyApp.enqueue({id:'WX1', text:'Test 1'});
      MyApp.enqueue({id:'QV2', text:'Test 2'});
      MyApp.enqueue({id:'ZE3', text:'Test 3'});

When I execute the test, I see the following in the console window:

item: QRA index: 1
item: WX1 index: 2
item: QV2 index: 3
item: ZE3 index: 4

Its like the items aren't getting dequeued like I would expect. Am I way off base in my approach of managing a queue? What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for any assistance.

like image 626
user70192 Avatar asked Aug 17 '15 13:08


People also ask

How does callback queue work in JavaScript?

Callback Queue: After the timer gets expired, the callback function is put inside the Callback Queue, and the Event Loop checks if the Call Stack is empty and if empty, pushes the callback function from Callback Queue to Call Stack and the callback function gets removed from the Callback Queue.

What is a callback queue?

Callback queue, also referred to as automated callback, is a feature of IVR (interactive voice response) systems. It is used by contact centers to give callers the option to save their place in the call queue and receive a call back when an agent becomes available.

Is callback queue part of JavaScript?

The "Callback Queue & Event Loop" Lesson is part of the full, JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2 course featured in this preview video.

Why do we need the callback queue?

One of the advantages of a callback queue over a microtask queue is that the callback queue is processed in the same event loop as the main thread. This means that if the main thread is blocked, the callback queue will not be processed.

2 Answers

Here are some questions you need to think through and answer for yourself about your intent and design:

  1. It sounds like the queue represents items you are trying to send to the server. You are adding items to the queue that need to be sent, and removing them from the queue after they have been successfully sent.
  2. Do you want your code to send multiple items simultaneously, in parallel? For example, item A is added to the queue, then sent. Before the asynchronous send for A finishes, item B is added to the list. Should the code try to send item B before the send of item A finishes? Based on your code, it sounds like yes.

It seems that you don't really want/need a queue, per se, so much as you want a list to track which items are in the process of being sent. "Queue" implies that objects are being processed in some kind of FIFO order.

If you just want to track items based on id, then you can use an object instead. For example:

MyApp.items = {};
MyApp.addItem = function(item){
  MyApp.items[item.id] = item;
    function(){ // success
MyApp.removeItem = function(id){
  delete MyApp.items[id];

Also, I don't think you need a lock on the queue. Javascript is single-threaded, so you'll never have a case where two parts of your code are trying to operate on the queue at the same time. When an ajax call finishes asynchronously, your callback code won't actually be executed until any other code currently executing finishes.

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GreenGiant Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


The big flaw I'm seeing is that you call MyApp.queueIsLocked = true immediately before MyApp.findItemById. Because it's locked, the function sets up a timeout (that does nothing), and proceeds to call onComplete(-1). -1 is then explicitly ignored by onComplete, failing to dequeue, and locking your queue.

You probably meant to retry the find, like this:

setTimeout(function() {
  // Attempt to find the index again.
  MyApp.findItemById(id, onComplete);
}, 100);

I'm not sure, but I think Jasmine requires explicit instruction to get Timeout functions to fire, using jasmine.clock().tick

That said, I suggest removing all of the references to queueIsLocked, including the above timeout code. Also, if item.id is always a unique string, you can use an object instead of an array to store your values.

Here is a suggested iteration, staying as true to the original API as possible:

function MyApp() {}
module.exports = MyApp;

MyApp.myQueue = {};

//Sends the item, calling onSuccess or onFailure when finished
//  item will appear in MyApp.myQueue while waiting for a response from send
MyApp.enqueue = function(item, onSuccess, onFailure) {
  MyApp.myQueue[item.id] = item;

  item.send(function() {
    console.log('item: ' + item.id);
    delete MyApp.myQueue[item.id];
    if (onSuccess) {
  }, function() {
    alert('Unable to send item to the server.');
    if (onFailure) {

//Returns the Item in the queue, or undefined if not found
MyApp.findItemById = function(id, onComplete) {
  if (onComplete) {
  return MyApp.myQueue[id];
like image 31
Wasmoo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
