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Making static pages in Symfony 1

Im new to symfony and have some simple questions. I am trying to understand the module system, but I dont understand how I create the actual homepage or other pages that are not based off of a model from the db. For example, the simple about page that has static info or the homepage that is a combination of a bunch of information from different models.

Can anyone help?

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Danny Avatar asked Jan 06 '10 16:01


2 Answers

First of all, modules do not have to be restricted to a model from the database. You can have a Foo module which relies on no database content, and a Bar module that is primarily based on 3 different models. The module separation is a way to logically break up your site into manageable sections. Eg an e-commerce site might have a Products module, a Categories module and a Cart module and so on.

Your last sentence can then be split into 2 parts:

1) Static information can be on any page - if it's for things like "About us" and "FAQ" etc, I personally tend to use a "default" or "home" module, and create the various actions in there vis:

./symfony generate:module appname home


class homeActions extends sfActions
  public function executeAbout(sfWebRequest $request)
    // ...

  public function executeFaq(sfWebRequest $request)
    // ...

with the corresponding template files (aboutSuccess.php, faqSuccess.php).

2) A page can be comprised of data from many different models - just use your preferred ORM's method of retrieving data and set it to the view ($this->data = MyModel->findByColumn(...) etc). If you mean data from different modules, then you'd probably be better off looking at partials or components for elements of a page that can be used across different modules (navigation etc). See the Symfony docs for more details on these.

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richsage Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


I'm used to handle static pages in this way.

First I create a new entry in apps/frontend/config/routing.yml:

  url:   pages/:page
  param: { module: page, action: index }

Then I write a "page" module (apps/frontend/modules/page/actions/actions.class.php):

class pageActions extends sfActions
  public function executeIndex()
    $this->page = $this->getRequestParameter("page");

  protected function _partialExists($name)
    $directory = $this->getContext()->getModuleDirectory();
    return (is_readable($directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."templates".

Last step, put in modules/page/templates/indexSuccess.php this code:

<?php include_partial($page); ?>

So all you have to do from now is to create a partial for each static page ie. apps/frontend/modules/page/templates/_home.php which you can reach at http://yousite/pages/home (without the need to add a new routing entry for every page)

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gpilotino Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
