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Making Facebook Connect work with ASP.Net MVC

I am trying to integrate my ASP.Net MVC site with Facebook Connect.

For some odd reason after the login popup loads and connets, HttpContxt.Current.Requet.Cookies[Session_Key_Cookie_Name] still returns NULL!

What could be the possible reason?



I also noticed that although I've set localhost/xd_receiver in the Site.Master FB.init call, xd_receiverController.cs doesn't get called (Set a breakpoint in it)

( I followed all those posts/articles when buiding my site: http://devtacular.com/articles/bkonrad/how-to-retrieve-user-data-from-facebook-connect-in-aspnet/ , Facebook Connect and ASP.NET, http://facebooktoolkit.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=45825, http://my6solutions.com/post/2009/04/05/Integration-of-Facebook-Connect-on-ASP-NET-MVC.aspx)

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Wineshtain Avatar asked Oct 27 '22 02:10


1 Answers

Found a solution, hopefully this will save people the days I have burned trying to use ASP.Net and Facebook Connect.

The issue is simple:

The connect url property in your facebook application settings page MUST be your domain name AND the xd_receiver path in the FB.init is the relative path from the page your connect button is on!

otherways it wont save the session cookie in the right place.


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Wineshtain Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10
