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Making a LinearLayout act like an Button

I have a LinearLayout that I've styled to look like a button, and it contains a few text/ImageView elements. I would like to make the whole LinearLayout act like a button, in particular to give it states that are defined in a so it has a different background when it is pressed.

Is there a better way than making an ImageButton the size of the whole Layout and positioning absolutely?

like image 462
Jason Prado Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 02:04

Jason Prado

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1 Answers

If you want add the Android default background behavior to make a Layout acts like a "clikable" View, set on the targeted Layout:

API 11+ (Pure Android):


API 7+ (Android + AppCompat Support Library):


Any API:


Answers above still true but didn't help me for just add the default pressed and released UI state (like in a ListView for instance).

like image 139
FabiF Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09
