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Find out if ListView is scrolled to the bottom?

Can I find out if my ListView is scrolled to the bottom? By that I mean that the last item is fully visible.

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fhucho Avatar asked Feb 25 '11 23:02


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I used NotificationListener that is a widget that listens for notifications bubbling up the tree. Then use ScrollEndNotification , which indicates that scrolling has stopped. For scroll position I used _scrollController that type is ScrollController .

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just check if (cartlist. size()<0) then yours list is Empty.!

1 Answers


Since I have been investigating in this particular subject in one of my applications, I can write an extended answer for future readers of this question.

Implement an OnScrollListener, set your ListView's onScrollListener and then you should be able to handle things correctly.

For example:

private int preLast; // Initialization stuff. yourListView.setOnScrollListener(this);  // ... ... ...  @Override public void onScroll(AbsListView lw, final int firstVisibleItem,         final int visibleItemCount, final int totalItemCount) {      switch(lw.getId())      {         case R.id.your_list_id:                   // Make your calculation stuff here. You have all your             // needed info from the parameters of this function.              // Sample calculation to determine if the last              // item is fully visible.             final int lastItem = firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount;              if(lastItem == totalItemCount)             {                 if(preLast!=lastItem)                 {                     //to avoid multiple calls for last item                     Log.d("Last", "Last");                     preLast = lastItem;                 }             }     } } 
like image 54
Wroclai Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
