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Making a Fast Port Scanner

So I'm making a port scanner in python...

import socket
ip = "External IP"
s = socket.socket(2, 1) #socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM

def porttry(ip, port):
        s.connect((ip, port))
        return True
        return None

for port in range(0, 10000):
    value = porttry(ip, port)
    if value == None:
        print("Port not opened on %d" % port)
        print("Port opened on %d" % port)

But this is too slow, I want to somehow be able to some how close or break code after a period of time of not returning anything.

like image 475
Shane Avatar asked Oct 03 '14 07:10


People also ask

Is it illegal to port scan someone?

In the U.S., no federal law exists to ban port scanning.

How long does it take to scan a port?

Scanning one port on 65536 hosts at 1 second per host takes 18 hours. If you scan one extra port on each of the 65536 hosts and allow 1 second per host, it takes an extra 18 hours to scan that extra port.

What is an advanced port scanner?

Advanced Port Scanner is a free network scanner allowing you to quickly find open ports on network computers and retrieve versions of programs running on the detected ports. The program has a user-friendly interface and rich functionality.

What is the most used tool for port scanning?

NMap is the most popular port scanner for system administrators, network engineers, and developers. Angry IP Scanner is also a popular tool for scanning the local network and the internet.

2 Answers

here is a quick and simple port scanner, it scans 100000 ports in 180 sec:

import threading
import socket

target = 'pythonprogramming.net'
#ip = socket.gethostbyname(target)

def portscan(port):

    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

        con = s.connect((target,port))

        print('Port :',port,"is open.")

r = 1 
for x in range(1,100): 

    t = threading.Thread(target=portscan,kwargs={'port':r}) 

    r += 1     
like image 193
Gysi Rrjolli Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09

Gysi Rrjolli

This should be a bit faster.


import socket
import os

# This is used to set a default timeout on socket
# objects.

# This is used for checking if a call to socket.connect_ex
# was successful.

def check_port(*host_port, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
    ''' Try to connect to a specified host on a specified port.
    If the connection takes longer then the TIMEOUT we set we assume
    the host is down. If the connection is a success we can safely assume
    the host is up and listing on port x. If the connection fails for any
    other reason we assume the host is down and the port is closed.'''

    # Create and configure the socket.
    sock = socket.socket()

    # the SO_REUSEADDR flag tells the kernel to reuse a local 
    # socket in TIME_WAIT state, without waiting for its natural
    # timeout to expire.
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

    # Like connect(address), but return an error indicator instead
    # of raising an exception for errors returned by the C-level connect() 
    # call (other problems, such as “host not found,” can still raise exceptions). 
    # The error indicator is 0 if the operation succeeded, otherwise the value of 
    # the errnovariable. This is useful to support, for example, asynchronous connects.
    connected = sock.connect_ex(host_port) is SUCCESS

    # Mark the socket closed. 
    # The underlying system resource (e.g. a file descriptor)
    # is also closed when all file objects from makefile() are closed.
    # Once that happens, all future operations on the socket object will fail. 
    # The remote end will receive no more data (after queued data is flushed).

    # return True if port is open or False if port is closed.
    return connected

con = check_port('www.google.com', 83)
like image 22
Ricky Wilson Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09

Ricky Wilson