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Make the RatingBar secondary color opaque

I'm trying to make the un-filled stars in the RatingBar an opaque color, but it seems like a tall task consisting of tint lists and PorterDuff Modes. Is there a rock solid way to make the un-filled stars of a RatingBar a truely opaque color?

val color = ContextCompat.getColor(context, android.R.color.white)
ratingBar.secondaryProgressTintList = ColorStateList.valueOf(white)
ratingBar.secondaryProgressTintMode = PorterDuff.Mode.OVERLAY //whats the sauce?

The un-filled color is still transparent, and the background of the view is half white!

like image 995
tyler Avatar asked Sep 07 '18 00:09


People also ask

How do I change the color of my RatingBar?

First, change progress color of rating bar. Its done by two ways, either by applying theme on RatingBar or by manually using LayerDrawable. That's it. android:stepSize="0.5" />LayerDrawable stars = (LayerDrawable) rating.

How to customize RatingBar in android?

Custom Rating Bar in AndroidCopy your images in the drawable folder and remember image size should be according to the size you want. Step 2. Make XML for the rating bar selector in the drawable folder like below. We made two files, one for the fill or highlighted part and one for the empty or un-highlighted part.

How can change rating bar color in android programmatically?

Step 1: After opening the android studio and creating a new project with an empty activity. Step 2: Navigate to res/values/colors. xml, and add a color that you want to change for the status bar. Step 3: In your MainActivity, add this code in your onCreate method.

1 Answers

The stars in a RatingBar are simply a LayerDrawable. The key to setting the color of unfilled stars is to get a handle on the index within the LayerDrawable that contains a description of the drawable for unfilled stars (index = 0). Once we have that drawable, we can color it with "Drawable#setTint()" for API 21+ or with "Drawable#setColorFilter()" for API <21.

The following example sets the unfilled stars to an opaque green:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        RatingBar ratingBar = findViewById(R.id.ratingBar);
        LayerDrawable stars = (LayerDrawable) ratingBar.getProgressDrawable();
        int unfilledColor = getResources().getColor(android.R.color.holo_green_dark);
        } else {
            stars.getDrawable(0).setColorFilter(unfilledColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);

enter image description here

like image 144
Cheticamp Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10
