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make project before run application android studio

Normally when i execute Run > Run or Run > Debug in Android Studio, this make project and found errors and re compile application, but now, when i click on Run or Debug, directly launch application without compile changes and nothing, if i enter in Configuration of Run, i have "Before launch: Make"

If i execute Build > Make project works correctly, but i don't want execute all time Build > Make project and Run > Run.

I use Android Studio 0.3.4.

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Victor Company Avatar asked Nov 11 '13 03:11

Victor Company

2 Answers

Open the Run/Debug Configurations dialog (choose Run -> Edit Configurations on the main menu).

Now select the run configuration you are using. On the right hand side you will see various options for the selected run configuration, look for the Before launch section (it should be near the bottom).

There should be a Make entry added to the list. If there is not a Make entry in the list add it using the green + symbol.

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free3dom Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


I have that issue as well and what helped was a complete reinstall of the android studio. So I just downloaded the latest version.

  1. Make sure Android Studio does not run!
  2. make a backup of the "sdk" folder (you find it in your Android Studio folder)
  3. Delete the Android Studio folder
  4. Unpack the downloaded zip to the same location
  5. copy your "sdk" backup back into the folder
  6. Start Android Studio

You will see that your settings are still there, your recent project will open normally and you should be able to just "run" your project again with "make" being executed correctly before.

Edit: I suspect that the main reason for the issue was a failed update try frm 0.3.4 to 0.3.5 and restoring the backup I made will have create even more issues...

Edit 2: As this is just a temporary fix (see my comment below) I made a ticket in the bugtracker.

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WarrenFaith Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
