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Make PowerShell think an object is not enumerable



I've been working on some PowerShell functions to manage objects implemented in an assembly we have created. One of the classes I have been working with implements IEnumerable. Unfortunatly, this causes PowerShell to unroll the object at every opportunity. (I can't change the fact that the class implements IEnumerable.)

I've worked around the problem by creating a PSObject and copying the properties of our custom object to the PSObject, then returning that instead of the custom object. But I'd really rather return our custom object.

Is there some way, presumably using my types.ps1xml file, to hide the GetEnumerator() method of this class from PowerShell (or otherwise tell PowerShell to never unroll it).

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OldFart Avatar asked Oct 14 '10 15:10


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1 Answers

Wrapping in a PSObject is probably the best way.

You could also explicitly wrap it in another collection—PowerShell only unwraps one level.

Also when writing a cmdlet in C#/VB/... when you call WriteObject use the overload that takes a second parameter: if false then PowerShell will not enumerate the object passed as the first parameter.

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Richard Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10
