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Easier way to parse 'query user' in PowerShell

I currently have the following query in PowerShell:

query user /server:$server

Which returns output:

svc_chthost                               2  Disc         1:05  8/16/2016 12:01 PM  
myusername                rdp-tcp         3  Active          .  8/29/2016 11:29 AM

Currently, I'm using @(query user /server:$server).Count - 1 as a value to represent the number of users logged on (it's not pretty, I know). However now I would like to obtain information such as USERNAME, ID, and LOGON TIME to use in other parts of my script.

My question is surrounding an easier way to parse the information above, or maybe a better solution to my problem all together: Counting and gathering information related to logged on users.

I've found other solutions that seem to work better, but I'm sure there's got to be a simpler way to accomplish this task:

$ComputerName | Foreach-object { 
$Computer = $_ 
        $processinfo = @(Get-WmiObject -class win32_process -ComputerName $Computer -EA "Stop") 
            if ($processinfo) 
                $processinfo | Foreach-Object {$_.GetOwner().User} |  
                Where-Object {$_ -ne "NETWORK SERVICE" -and $_ -ne "LOCAL SERVICE" -and $_ -ne "SYSTEM"} | 
                Sort-Object -Unique | 
                ForEach-Object { New-Object psobject -Property @{Computer=$Computer;LoggedOn=$_} } |  
                Select-Object Computer,LoggedOn 

like image 417
Tyler Dickson Avatar asked Aug 29 '16 17:08

Tyler Dickson

People also ask

How to check current user in PowerShell?

To get current username in PowerShell, use whoami, GetCurrent() method of WindowsIdentity . Net class or Get-WMIObject cmdlet in PowerShell.

What is Quser in PowerShell?

Displays information about user sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host server. You can use this command to find out if a specific user is logged on to a specific Remote Desktop Session Host server. This command returns the following information: Name of the user.

1 Answers

Old question, but it seems a workable solution:

(query user) -split "\n" -replace '\s\s+', ';' | convertfrom-csv -Delimiter ';'

This chunks the output into lines, as the answer above does, but then replaces more than one white space character (\s\s+) with a semi-colon, and then converts that output from csv using the semi-colon as a delimiter.

The reason for more than one white space is that the column headers have spaces in them (idle time, logon time), so with just one space it would try to interpret that as multiple columns. From the output of the command, it looks as if they always preserve at least 2 spaces between items anyway, and the logon time column also has spaces in the field.

like image 166
omrsafetyo Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 01:10
