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Make list content available in a function environment



In order to avoid creating R functions with many arguments defining settings for a single object, I'm gathering them in a list,

list_my_obj <- list("var1" = ..., "var2" = ..., ..., "varN" = ...)
class(list_my_obj) <- "my_obj"

I then define functions that accept such a list as argument and inject the elements of the list in the function scope:

my_fun <- function(list_my_obj) {

  stopifnot(class(list_my_obj) == "my_obj")

  list2env(list_my_obj, envir=environment())

  var_sum <- var1 + var2


Injecting the elements of the list in the function scope allows me to avoid calling them with list_my_obj$var1, list_my_obj$var2, etc, later in the function, which would reduce the readability of the code.

This solution works perfectly fine, however it produces a note when running R CMD check, saying "no visible binding for global variable" for var1, var2, ... varN.

To avoid such notes, one could just create new variables at the beginning of the function body "by hand" for each element of the list:

var1 <- list_my_obj$var1
varN <- list_my_obj$varN

but I would like to avoid this because N can be large.

Any better solution or idea on how to suppress the R CMD check notes in this case?

Thank you!

like image 206
ixpl Avatar asked Jan 14 '17 11:01


2 Answers

The function list2env is made for this, for example:

list2env(list_my_obj, env = environment())

like image 150
rsoren Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 02:01


Try with (or within):

f <- function(x) {
   stopifnot(inherits(x, "my_obj"))
   with(x, {
      # ...
      var_sum <- var1 + var2
      # ...

my_obj <- structure(list(var1 = 1, var2 = 2), class = "my_obj")
like image 34
G. Grothendieck Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 01:01

G. Grothendieck