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Make images not selectable

I am making a website in dreamweaver CS5. I exported the images from photoshop an inserted them into a table. When I view the site all the images are selectable(you are able to drag them to your desktop). How do I change this??? I want to do it with an onclick method in addition how would I achieve this?

<td><img src="images/people_03.png" name="one" width="1000" height="156" id="one" ONCLICK="closeimages();"/></td>
like image 812
BDGapps Avatar asked May 12 '11 19:05


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Complete HTML/CSS Course 2022 The user select property can be used to prevent this. By setting this property to none, we can prevent our image from being selected (highlighted).

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Under Display Settings set Link to “None”. Now, when hovering over the image, users will not see the hand that indicates the image can be clicked as a regular link. Best, Christopher M.

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To make an object draggable set draggable=true on that element. Just about anything can be drag-enabled: images, files, links, files, or any markup on your page. Our example creates an interface to rearrange columns that have been laid out with CSS Grid.

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Setting the draggable HTML Attribute to false We can also set the draggable HTML attribute of the img element we want to disable dragging for to false . to disable dragging. img. setAttribute("draggable", false);

1 Answers

I stumbled upon this question while struggling with the same problem but the accepted answer was not a possible solution for me.

I used the info found here , in particular adding the following styles to my body, inside the css (this worked for me in Firefox, Chrome and Opera, I cannot test for IE)

-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
user-select: none;

The unselectable html tag seems also helpful, but it's apparently supported only by IE and Opera:

<img src="1.jpg" unselectable="on">

as well as the javascript solution, that is said to work on IE and webkit browsers:

window.onload = function() {
    document.body.onselectstart = function() {
        return false;

Note. As Albert Renshaw pointed in the comment this method no longer works in Chrome > 50.

like image 105
BBog Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
