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span tag height in Firefox

Using CSS,

I'm trying to specify the height of a span tag in Firefox, but it's just not accepting it (IE does).

Firefox accepts the height if I use a div, but the problem with using a div is the annoying line break after it, which I can't have in this particular instance.

I tried setting the CSS style attribute of:

display: inline
for the div, but Firefox seems to revert that to span behavior anyway and ignores the height attribute once again.
like image 591
Steve M Avatar asked Aug 24 '08 13:08

Steve M

People also ask

Can span have height?

The <span> tag is a inline element, it fits into the flow of the content and can be distributed over multiple lines. We can not specify a height or width or surround it with a margin.

How do you find the height and width of a span tag?

You can set the width and height of the span tag either by using display: inline-block; or display: block; .

Can a tag contain span?

span is an inline element. So, tags like a , img , sup , etc. can go within a span, but block level elements like div and p cannot.

How do you override height in CSS?

To override a set height in a CSS element, you can simply put this in the inherited element (either in a style block or inline): height: auto; This will override the set value inherited, without statically setting a new one.

2 Answers

You can set any element to display: inline-block to allow it to receive a height or width. This also allows you to apply any other "block styles" to an element.

One thing to be careful about however is that Firefox 2 does not support this property. Firefox 3 is the first Mozilla-based browser to support this property. All other browsers support this property, including Internet Explorer.

Keep in mind that inline-block does not allow you to set text alignment inside the element on Firefox if running in quirks mode. All other browsers allow this as far as I know. If you want to set text-alignment while running in quirks mode, you'll have to use the property -moz-inline-stack instead of inline-block. Keep in mind this is a Mozilla-only property so you'll have to do some browser detection to ensure only Mozilla gets this, while other browsers get the standard inline-block.

like image 151
Dan Herbert Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 17:11

Dan Herbert

#div1 { float:left; height:20px; width:20px; }
#div2 { float:left; height:30px; width:30px }

<div id="div1">FirstDiv</div>
<div id="div2">SecondDiv</div>

As long as the container for whatever is holding div's 1 and 2 is wide enough for them to fit, this should be fine.

like image 38
Cade Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 17:11
