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Make a property that is read-only to the outside world, but my methods can still set

In JavaScript (ES5+), I'm trying to achieve the following scenario:

  1. An object (of which there will be many separate instances) each with a read-only property .size that can be read from the outside via direct property read, but cannot be set from the outside.
  2. The .size property must be maintained/updated from some methods which are on the prototype (and should stay on the prototype).
  3. My API is already defined by a specification so I can't modify that (I'm working on a polyfill for an already-defined ES6 object).
  4. I'm mostly trying to prevent people from shooting themselves in the foot accidentally and don't really have to have bulletproof read-only-ness (though the more bullet-proof it is, the better), so I am willing to compromise some on side door access to the property as long as directly setting obj.size = 3; isn't allowed.

I'm aware that I could use a private variable declared in the constructor and set up a getter to read it, but I would have to move the methods that need to maintain that variable off the prototype and declare them inside the constructor also (so they have access to the closure containing the variable). For this particular circumstance, I'd rather not take my methods off the prototype so I'm searching for what the other options might be.

What other ideas might there be (even if there are some compromises to it)?

like image 494
jfriend00 Avatar asked May 23 '14 01:05


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1 Answers

OK, so for a solution you need two parts:

  • a size property which is not assignable, i.e. with writable:true or no setter attributes
  • a way to change the value that size reflects, which is not .size = … and that is public so that the prototype methods can invoke it.

@plalx has already presented the obvious way with a second "semiprivate" _size property that is reflected by a getter for size. This is probably the easiest and most straightforward solution:

// declare
Object.defineProperty(MyObj.prototype, "size", {
    get: function() { return this._size; }
// assign
instance._size = …;

Another way would be to make the size property non-writable, but configurable, so that you have to use "the long way" with Object.defineProperty (though imho even too short for a helper function) to set a value in it:

function MyObj() { // Constructor
    // declare
    Object.defineProperty(this, "size", {
        writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true
// assign
Object.defineProperty(instance, "size", {value:…});

These two methods are definitely enough to prevent "shoot in the foot" size = … assignments. For a more sophisticated approach, we might build a public, instance-specific (closure) setter method that can only be invoked from prototype module-scope methods.

(function() { // module IEFE
    // with privileged access to this helper function:
    var settable = false;
    function setSize(o, v) {
        settable = true;
        o.size = v;
        settable = false;

    function MyObj() { // Constructor
        // declare
        var size;
        Object.defineProperty(this, "size", {
            enumerable: true,
            get: function() { return size; },
            set: function(v) {
                if (!settable) throw new Error("You're not allowed.");
                size = v;

    // assign
    setSize(instance, …);


This is indeed fail-safe as long as no closured access to settable is leaked. There is also a similar, popular, little shorter approach is to use an object's identity as an access token, along the lines of:

// module IEFE with privileged access to this token:
var token = {};

// in the declaration (similar to the setter above)
this._setSize = function(key, v) {
    if (key !== token) throw new Error("You're not allowed.");
        size = v;

// assign
instance._setSize(token, …);

However, this pattern is not secure as it is possible to steal the token by applying code with the assignment to a custom object with a malicious _setSize method.

like image 155
Bergi Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09
