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MailMessage.To.Add() throwing exception : "An invalid character was found in the mail header: ','."

I am getting this error when I am using it in sharepoint project, while in console app its working fine

I am using MailMessage class to send email using SMTP . But when I trying to add user to 'To' property I am getting {"An invalid character was found in the mail header: ','."} exception, which I think something fishy is happening here as ',' is allowed to separate multiple users . Adding multiple user

** Multiple e-mail addresses must be separated with a comma character (",").**

MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage();

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nbi Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 08:09


3 Answers

Got the culprit: It's the extra comma(,) at the end of last email address


Just removed that and voila! its working. Don't know why it's working in console application but not in sharepoint :(


If this does not work in SharePoint then please add each address separately onto MailMessage object like below;

foreach (var address in StringofEmails.Split(",")) {
MailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress(address.Trim(), ""));


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nbi Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 09:11


I got the error even though I don't have a comma at the end. It turns out that I need to leave a space after the comma

I have to change my code from a string.Join(",", emailList) to string.Join(", ", emailList)

Following didn't work for me.


Following worked for me(Observe that there is space after the comma).

mailMessage.To.Add("amir_khan@enter.com, walter_white@yahoo.com");
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Thiru Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 10:11


I can't replicate this. The above code works for me. Maybe try to add them using a seperate 'To' each time.

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Stephen Walker Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 08:11

Stephen Walker