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MailChimp 3.0 HTTP POST Json Example

I'm trying to make use of MailChimp's Automation trigger that activates when a subscriber's email ID is posted to an API endpoint:

enter image description here (link)

Following the Workflow instructions, I'm using the following https://us19.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/automations/xxxxxxxxxx/emails/xxxxxxxxxx/queue URL provided via the Campaign.

I can successfully send an authenticated HTTP POST request (using this do_Post() method copied into my codebase), but am faced with a 400 error with a Content-Type: application/problem+json response. My JSON is incorrect and I'm not sure what the JSON should look like to trigger the above event.

I've tried a plethora of different cracks at the JSON - my latest attempt looks like {"unique_email_id":"e063dfcf4g"}. Every attempt at altering the JSON data still is returning me the same error above.

I've been wondering if I possibly need to set some more headers in the POST request, but this is beyond my area of expertise.

I appreciate the help and insights.

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VILLAIN bryan Avatar asked Dec 06 '18 20:12


1 Answers

Here's an example of HTTP Basic Auth Postman request:


you'll get this when you create api based trigger automation campaign.


enter image description here

generate the api key from mailchimp dashboard and use that as password in postman authorization. put any username.

POST Body:


Read more about mailchimp API : https://mailchimp.com/developer/guides/get-started-with-mailchimp-api-3/

there's also a npm module for this https://npmjs.com/package/mailchimp-api-v3

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GorvGoyl Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10
