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Magento: Minify HTML Output?

Is there any file in magento where all html will be output?

I want to minify all html output.

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timopeschka Avatar asked Dec 10 '10 15:12


4 Answers

Magento uses a response object to send all output.

All output is added to this object, and then its sendResponse method is called.

If you want to alter the output, setup a listener for the http_response_send_before event

<!-- in your module's config.xml -->

And then in your observer you may get and set the body

class Packagename_Modulename_Model_Observer
    public function alterOutput($observer)
        $response = $observer->getResponse();       
        $html     = $response->getBody();           
        //modify html here          

If you're interested, this event is called in the sendResponse method of the following class


and the output itself is sent in the sendResponse and outputBody methods of

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Alan Storm Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 10:11

Alan Storm

Ideally you want to perform minification before the output is cached to avoid doing it too often. The best place I can think of is by overriding Mage_Page_Block_Html and adding the following function to your new class:

protected function _toHtml()
    $html = parent::_toHtml();
    return $html;

This way it performs the action once for the whole page, the returned value may then be cached by Magento in it's usual manner. It's not performing on each block individually which might be less efficient.

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clockworkgeek Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 10:11


you can always use ob functions to get the output in index.php and then do with the content whatever you need. but i doubt if it will boost your site as much as enabling gzip or deflate

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Anton S Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 10:11

Anton S

Maybe mod_pagespeed from Google? That would do it transparently for you. +1 for gzip and deflate either way.

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Joe Mastey Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 10:11

Joe Mastey