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Magento Email Template If Statements

The Magento Email Template If Statements aren't evaluating to true when I expect them to. Can someone tell me what's wrong? Take a look at the following code:

{{var customer.group_id}}
{{if customer.group_id}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}
{{if customer.group_id==4}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}
{{if customer.group_id=4}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}
{{if customer.group_id eq 4}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}

The output is

Print True
Print False
Print False
Print False

I tried putting quotes around the 4, but same result. How do I evaluate equalities with magento email template if statements?

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John Avatar asked Jan 25 '11 18:01


3 Answers

I solved this problem by using the 'block' technique.

What you do is you pass the order to a block and then do your logic inside that block.

Although my solution is for a different problem the approach should work here.

What I wanted was to have a pay by cheque option and some extra text in the confirmation email reminding them to pay. I added this into the new order template:

{{block type='core/template' area='frontend' template='paymentstatus/orderemail.phtml' order=$order}}<br />

Then I created a file app/design/frontend/default/default/template/paymentstatus/orderemail.phtml

This has the 'if' logic, in my case I wanted to see if the order status was that for a cheque and only then remind the customer that their order needed cleared funds.

<?php if($this->getData('order')->getStatus()=='cheque') {
echo "<p>Please note that we will require your cheque to clear before we can despatch your order.</p>"; }?>
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ʍǝɥʇɐɯ Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 00:11


Digging through the code, it looks like the template logic is implemented by Varien_Filter_Template (under lib\Varien not app\code) in the filter function which issues a callback to the ifDirective function if the pattern matches the regex. The ifDirective in turn uses the _getVariable function to evaluate your if condition. _getVariable then tokenizes the condition in Varien_Filter_Template_Tokenizer_Variable into either a property or a method.

if($this->isWhiteSpace()) {
            // Ignore white spaces
        } else if($this->char()!='.' && $this->char()!='(') {
            // Property or method name
            $parameterName .= $this->char();
        } else if($this->char()=='(') {
            // Method declaration
            $methodArgs = $this->getMethodArgs();
            $actions[] = array('type'=>'method',
            $parameterName = '';
        } else if($parameterName!='') {
            // Property or variable declaration
            if($variableSet) {
                $actions[] = array('type'=>'property',
            } else {
                $variableSet = true;
                $actions[] = array('type'=>'variable',
            $parameterName = '';

When the if condition is detected to be a method, it will execute that method, otherwise it simply returns the string value of the variable.

All of which means (I think!) that if you want to evaluate an expression inside the if statement, you need to add a new customer attribute (there are extensions available for this) that the template can evaluate. So if you define a boolean "isMemberOfGroupNameX" attribute, then the template should work.

I imagine this is not the answer that you're looking for, but I'm fairly sure that's the case.


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Jonathan Day Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 22:11

Jonathan Day

I was able to more or less accomplish this right in the template using {{depend}} template tags.

{{depend somevar}}
Print this if somevar evaluates to true

You will have to conjure up this variable in app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Order.php in the methods like sendNewOrderEmail() and so forth.

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Greg Robbins Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 23:11

Greg Robbins