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Mac OS X - adding a border to the terminal




I am using the terminal on Mac OS, but all the terminal's windows are borderless, making them difficult to distinguish when they are one over the top of the other. I can't find the way to add a 1px border around the window (my terminal's windows are all black backgrounded).

How can I add a colorful (or white) border to a terminal window?

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Romain Jouin Avatar asked Dec 01 '14 10:12

Romain Jouin

2 Answers

I had the same annoyance, and the Tab Bar, whilst handy, is not a substitute for multiple open terminals. The easiest solution I found was to use iTerm2 (free download) instead of Terminal. It has a preference option for switching on a 1px border (not enabled by default):

iTerm:: Preferences -> Appearance -> [Window] Show border around window

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sim303 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10


Whoop! Whoop! Work-around alert...

You can alleviate the issue somewhat by setting the scrollbar to always show, rather than only when scrolling, so at least one side of the Terminal is always demarcated properly...

defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowScrollBars -string "Always"

enter image description here

Note 1. You must quit and restart Terminal for this to take effect.

Note 2. This will also affect Safari, and other apps, which you may or may not mind.

like image 3
Mark Setchell Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10

Mark Setchell