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How to restart the taskgated process?




I am trying to follow this manual, which contains the instruction:

restart taskgated service by killing the current running taskgated process

How to do it? I am trying to find taskgated and got only some ttys007, but no task gated process:

$ ps | grep taskgated
66942 ttys007    0:00.00 grep --exclude-dir=.svn taskgated
$lsof | grep taskgated
like image 821
klm123 Avatar asked Nov 18 '13 12:11


2 Answers

To save one step, simply execute:

sudo pkill taskgated

Since this is a process required by the kernel, it will be automatically respawned.

like image 177
houtanb Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10


taskgated is root process, therefore you need to use sudo.

$sudo lsof | grep taskgated  

taskgated   13            root  cwd       DIR                1,2       1156        2 /
taskgated   13            root  txt       REG                1,2      71520   530715 /usr/libexec/taskgated
taskgated   13            root  txt       REG                1,2      29968   706441 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ConfigProfileHelper.framework/Versions/A/ConfigProfileHelper
like image 21
Parag Bafna Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10

Parag Bafna