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Mac-like text rendering on Windows? [closed]

I'm trying to figure out how to render text on Windows with the same display as Mac rendered text, e.g: http://igadgetlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/11.png (That picture is not perfect, but it showcases the neat anti aliasing that Mac has)

I've looked at GDI++/Freetype, and it seems too unstable and it has a lack of documentation. If anyone has any suggestions, that'd be great. The reason I am asking is because I am trying to make a writing program where text readability and text display are two important factors.


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tstormk Avatar asked Sep 02 '11 06:09


1 Answers

The solution lies in using gdipp to override the default font-rendering engine in Windows. Just download the latest package from their Google project page and double click to install it.

It will automatically get installed as a service. If you don't notice any change in the way fonts render, open Run -> Type services.msc -> Right click gdipp -> Click Start.

You may need to restart your computer once for all programs to start respecting gdipp's rendering engine.

EDIT: Alternatively, look at MacType. It's a user-space application that won't require being run as a service. It works with Chrome as well.

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Jagtesh Chadha Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Jagtesh Chadha