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"No files available for download"

There is a strange problem with Netbeans. I'm trying to create new project with remote resources but when I enter all FTP and project information, Netbeans says

No files available for download. Try to check Passive mode in the remote configuration

Although I tried the passive mode, it isn't the problem. There are many folders and files and I can see them via FTP client or I can create the project with same method on another Netbeans which is running another computer.

Both of them has Netbeans 7.0, both of them running Windows 7 and both of them using same internet connection!

There are no firewall or similar protection by the way.

like image 413
Tim Avatar asked Aug 04 '11 12:08


1 Answers

For Netbeans 7.3, with Windows 7, using JDK 7

Open CMD as Administrator and run the following:

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable

To open CMD as Administrator in Windows 7:

  1. Select Start
  2. In the "Search programs and files" box
  3. Enter "CMD"
  4. Find the result above and right click on it
  5. Select "Run as Administrator" from the context menu

I found this after some digging via Mansiemans shared link. Some of the commands on that thread, did not work, so I am sharing the one that did work.

like image 193
Jeff Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
