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Lua - How can I grab any return?



I am interested in grabbing any return format of a function. For example

function foo()
  return 1

local result = foo() -- foo is numeric 1

function foo()
  return {1,2,3}
local result1, result2, result3 = foo()
local result = foo() -- this is bad as result is `1` but `2` and `3` are lost

function foo()
  return 1, 2, 3
local result = foo() -- foo is a table with all the numbers, that's ok

I am building a profiler which will overwrite functions with proxy functions but I need to know the data returned, then check type() of it and access accordingly` but from the code it can be seen that I am unable to access all 3 situations with one method. Is there any ?

like image 286
lukas.pukenis Avatar asked Jan 22 '16 15:01


People also ask

How do I return in Lua?

The Lua return keyword is a built in keyword in the Lua programming, which is used to return the result from a function. There is an implicit return at the end of the Lua functions. As per syntactic reason the return statement should be the last statement of a block or function, before the end keyword.

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3 Answers

If the maximum number of returns is known, use something like

v1,v2,v3 = foo()

but you won't be able to tell whether foo returned two values or three, with the last one being nil.

The robust solution is to collect all returns in a table:

v = table.pack(foo())

Then v.n contains the number of returned values, including all nils.

like image 76
lhf Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 18:10


Here's a version that works on any Lua version 5.1+.

local function WrapAndInspect(Inspector, FunctionToCall)
    local function Inspect(...)
        return ...
    local function Wrapper(...)
        return Inspect(FunctionToCall(...))
    return Wrapper

What WrapAndInspect does is generate a function that will call the given function, then pass its return values to a second function you provide. That function can do whatever processing you feel is necessary on them. But the framework will ensure that the return values from the original function are passed as they were.

Here's a variation that does something similar, but instead of wrapping the FunctionToCall, it returns a function that takes a function to be called (along with its parameters):

local function CallAndInspect(Inspector)
    local function Inspect(...)
        return ...
    local function Caller(FunctionToCall, ...)
        return Inspect(FunctionToCall(...))
    return Caller

You could use this one on any particular function you want to inspect.

like image 23
Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 17:10

Nicol Bolas

Here is a workaround for those that do not have access to table.pack. To me it seems simple and it should work on lua 5.1 and above - and maybe even earlier lua versions.

table_pack should work like table.pack

function table_pack(...)
    return {n=select("#", ...), ...}
function foo()
    return 1, 2, 3

local v = table_pack(foo())
like image 44
Rochet2 Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10
