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Low-level Lua interpreter



Is there a way to run Lua code from a C/C++ program at a more fine-grained level than a standard "lua_pcall" function call? Ideally I'd like to be able to loop over a list of low-level bytecode instructions (assuming it has such things) and run them one by one, so that I could write my own scheduler which had more control of things than just running a complete Lua function from start to finish.

The reason I want to do this is because I wish to implement C functions which Lua code can call which would cause the program to wait until a certain (potentially long-winded) action had completed before continuing execution. There would be a high proportion of such function calls in a typical Lua script, so the idea of rewriting it to use callbacks once the action has completed isn't really practical.

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andygeers Avatar asked Mar 14 '09 20:03


People also ask

What is luau bytecode interpreter?

Luau features a very highly tuned portable bytecode interpreter. It’s similar to Lua interpreter in that it’s written in C, but it’s highly tuned to yield efficient assembly when compiled with Clang and latest versions of MSVC. On some workloads it can match the performance of LuaJIT interpreter which is written in highly specialized assembly.

How does luau compare to Lua and LuaJIT?

Most computationally intensive scripts only use the interpreter core loop and builtins, which on x64 compiles into ~16 KB, thus leaving half of the instruction cache for other infrequently called code. Unlike Lua and LuaJIT, Luau uses a multi-pass compiler with a frontend that parses source into an AST and a backend that generates bytecode from it.

What is luau method in Java?

Luau specializes method calls to improve their performance through a combination of compiler, VM and binding optimizations. Compiler emits a specialized instruction sequence when methods are called through obj:Method syntax (while this isn’t idiomatic anyway, you should avoid obj.Method (obj) ).

What are upvalues in Lua?

Lua implements upvalues as garbage collected objects that can point directly at the thread’s stack or, when the value leaves the stack frame (and is “closed”), store the value inside the object.

2 Answers

Perhaps side-stepping the question, but you could use Lua coroutines rather than custom C stuff to wait until some event occurs.

For example, one coroutine could call a waitForEvent() function. In there, you can switch to another coro until that event occurs, then resume the first one. Take a look at the lua coro docs for more about that.

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Jesse Rusak Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Jesse Rusak

Jder's suggestion to use coroutines will work very well if you can write those long waiting C routines using Lua's cooperative threading (explicit yield) feature. You'll still use lua_pcall() to enter Lua, but the entry point will be your coroutine manager function.

This only works though if the C routines don't do anything while they wait. If they are long running because they calculate something for example, then you need to run multiple OS threads. Lua is threadsafe -- just create multiple threads and run lua_open() in each thread.

From http://www.lua.org/pil/24.1.html

The Lua library defines no global variables at all. It keeps all its state in the dynamic structure lua_State and a pointer to this structure is passed as an argument to all functions inside Lua. This implementation makes Lua reentrant and ready to be used in multithreaded code.

You can also combine the two approaches. If you have a wrapper Lua function to start an OS thread, you can yield after you start the thread. The coroutine manager will keep track of threads and continue a coroutine when the thread it started has finished. This lets you use a single Lua interpreter with multiple worker threads running pure C code.

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Ken Fox Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Ken Fox