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Looping through multiple arrays & concatenating values in pandas

I've a dataframe with list of items separated by , commas as below.

|        Items         |
| X1,Y1,Z1             |
| X2,Z3                |
| X3                   |
| X1,X2                |
| Y2,Y4,Z2,Y5,Z3       |
| X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Z2,Z4,X1 |

Also I've 3 list of arrays which has all items said above clubbed into specific groups as below

X = [X1,X2,X3,X4,X5] Y = [Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5] Z = [Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4,Z5]

my task is to split the each value in the dataframe & check individual items in the 3 arrays and if an item is in any of the array, then it should concatenate the name of the groups which it is found, separated with &. Also if many items are in the same group/array, then it should mention the number of occurrence as well.

My desired output is as below. refer Category column

|        Items         |   Category   |
| X1,Y1,Z1             | X & Y & Z    |
| X2,Z3                | X & Z        |
| X3                   | X            |
| X1,X2                | 2X           |
| Y2,Y4,Z2,Y5,Z3       | 3Y & 2Z      |
| X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Z2,Z4,X1 | 3X & 2Y & 2Z |

X,Y, and Z are the name of the arrays. how shall I start to solve this using pandas? please guide.

like image 220
Sunni Avatar asked Jan 07 '20 19:01


3 Answers

Assuming a column of lists, explode the lists, then this is a simple isin check that we sum along the original index. I'd suggest a different output, which gets across the same information but is much easier to work with in the future.


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Items': [['X1', 'Y1', 'Z1'], ['X2', 'Z3'], ['X3'],
                             ['X1', 'X2'], ['Y2', 'Y4', 'Z2', 'Y5', 'Z3'],
                             ['X2', 'X3', 'Y1', 'Y2', 'Z2', 'Z4', 'X1']]})
X = ['X1','X2','X3','X4','X5']
Y = ['Y1','Y2','Y3','Y4','Y5']
Z = ['Z1','Z2','Z3','Z4','Z5']

s = df.explode('Items')['Items']
           for name, l in [('X', X), ('Y', Y), ('Z', Z)]], axis=1).astype(int)
#   X  Y  Z
#0  1  1  1
#1  1  0  1
#2  1  0  0
#3  2  0  0
#4  0  3  2
#5  3  2  2

To get your output, mask the 0s and add the columns names after the values. Then we string join to get the result. Here I use an apply for simplicity, alignment and NaN handling, but there are other slightly faster alternatives.

res = pd.concat([s.isin(l).sum(level=0).rename(name) 
                 for name, l in [('X', X), ('Y', Y), ('Z', Z)]], axis=1).astype(int)

res = res.astype(str).replace('1', '').where(res.ne(0))
res = res.add(res.columns, axis=1)

# Aligns on index due to `.sum(level=0)`
df['Category'] = res.apply(lambda x: ' & '.join(x.dropna()), axis=1) 
#                          Items      Category
#0                  [X1, Y1, Z1]     X & Y & Z
#1                      [X2, Z3]         X & Z
#2                          [X3]             X
#3                      [X1, X2]            2X
#4          [Y2, Y4, Z2, Y5, Z3]       3Y & 2Z
#5  [X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Z2, Z4, X1]  3X & 2Y & 2Z
like image 76
ALollz Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11



df = pd.DataFrame(

X = ['X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'X4', 'X5']
Y = ['Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3', 'Y4', 'Y5']
Z = ['Z1', 'Z2', 'Z3', 'Z4', 'Z5']


from collections import Counter

M = {**dict.fromkeys(X, 'X'), **dict.fromkeys(Y, 'Y'), **dict.fromkeys(Z, 'Z')}

num = lambda x: {1: ''}.get(x, x)
cat = ' & '.join
fmt = lambda c: cat(f'{num(v)}{k}' for k, v in c.items())
cnt = lambda x: Counter(map(M.get, x.split(',')))

df.assign(Category=[*map(fmt, map(cnt, df.Items))])

                  Items      Category
0              X1,Y1,Z1     X & Y & Z
1                 X2,Z3         X & Z
2                    X3             X
3                 X1,X2            2X
4        Y2,Y4,Z2,Y5,Z3       3Y & 2Z
5  X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Z2,Z4,X1  3X & 2Y & 2Z


pandas.Series.str.get_dummies and groupby

First convert the definitions of X, Y, and Z into one dictionary, then use that as the argument for groupby on axis=1

M = {**dict.fromkeys(X, 'X'), **dict.fromkeys(Y, 'Y'), **dict.fromkeys(Z, 'Z')}

counts = df.Items.str.get_dummies(',').groupby(M, axis=1).sum()

   X  Y  Z
0  1  1  1
1  1  0  1
2  1  0  0
3  2  0  0
4  0  3  2
5  3  2  2

Add the desired column
Work in Progress I don't like this solution

def fmt(row):
    a = [f'{"" if v == 1 else v}{k}' for k, v in row.items() if v > 0]
    return ' & '.join(a)

df.assign(Category=counts.apply(fmt, axis=1))

                  Items      Category
0              X1,Y1,Z1     X & Y & Z
1                 X2,Z3         X & Z
2                    X3             X
3                 X1,X2            2X
4        Y2,Y4,Z2,Y5,Z3       3Y & 2Z
5  X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Z2,Z4,X1  3X & 2Y & 2Z


Because I'm leveraging the character of your contrived example and there is nowai you should depend on the first character of your values to be the thing that differentiates them.

from operator import itemgetter

df.Items.str.get_dummies(',').groupby(itemgetter(0), axis=1).sum()

   X  Y  Z
0  1  1  1
1  1  0  1
2  1  0  0
3  2  0  0
4  0  3  2
5  3  2  2
like image 44
piRSquared Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


Create your dataframe

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Items': [['X1', 'Y1', 'Z1'], 
                            ['X2', 'Z3'], 
                            ['X1', 'X2'], 
                            ['Y2', 'Y4', 'Z2', 'Y5', 'Z3'],
                            ['X2', 'X3', 'Y1', 'Y2', 'Z2', 'Z4', 'X1']]})


df_exp = df.explode('Items')

def check_if_in_set(item, set):
    return 1 if (item in set) else 0

dict = {'X': set(['X1','X2','X3','X4','X5']),
        'Y': set(['Y1','Y2','Y3','Y4','Y5']), 
        'Z': set(['Z1','Z2','Z3','Z4','Z5'])}

for l, s in dict.items():
    df_exp[l] = df_exp.apply(lambda row: check_if_in_set(row['Items'], s), axis=1)


    Items_list = ('Items', list),
    X_count = ('X', 'sum'),
    y_count = ('Y', 'sum'),
    Z_count = ('Z', 'sum')

                      Items_list  X_count  y_count  Z_count
0                   [X1, Y1, Z1]        1        1        1
1                       [X2, Z3]        1        0        1
2                           [X3]        1        0        0
3                       [X1, X2]        2        0        0
4           [Y2, Y4, Z2, Y5, Z3]        0        3        2
5  [X2, X3,  Y1, Y2, Z2, Z4, X1]        3        2        2
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SchwarzeHuhn Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
