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Looping through bits in an integer, ruby

I am making a program where one of the problems is that I need to do some analysis of the bit pattern in some integers.

Because of this I would like to be able to do something like this:

#Does **NOT** work:
num.each_bit do |i|
   #do something with i

I was able to make something that works, by doing:

num.to_s(2).each_char do |c|
   #do something with c as a char

This however does not have the performance I would like.

I have found that you can do this:

0.upto(num/2) do |i|
   #do something with n[i]

This have even worse performance than the each_char method

This loop is going to be executed millions of times, or more, so I would like it to be as fast as possible.

For reference, here is the entirety of the function

@@aHashMap = Hash.new(-1)

#The method finds the length of the longes continuous chain of ones, minus one 
#(101110 = 2, 11 = 1, 101010101 = 0, 10111110 = 4)

def afunc(n) 
if @@aHashMap[n] != -1
    return @@aHashMap[n]

num = 0
tempnum = 0
prev = false

(n.to_s(2)).each_char do |i|
    if i
        if prev
            tempnum += 1
            if tempnum > num
                num = tempnum
            prev = true
        prev = false
        tempnum = 0

@@aHashMap[n] = num
return num
like image 863
Automatico Avatar asked Jun 06 '12 09:06


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2 Answers

To determine the length of the longest sequence of consecutive 1's, this is more efficient:

def longest_one_chain(n)
  c = 0
  while n != 0
    n &= n >> 1
    c += 1

The method simply counts how many times you can "bitwise AND" the number with itself shifted 1 bit to the right until it is zero.


                 ______ <-- longest chain
    01011011100001111110011110101010 c=0
AND  0101101110000111111001111010101
        1001100000111110001110000000 c=1, 1’s deleted
AND      100110000011111000111000000
            100000011110000110000000 c=2, 11’s deleted
AND          10000001111000011000000
                    1110000010000000 c=3, 111’s deleted
AND                  111000001000000
                     110000000000000 c=4, 1111’s deleted
AND                   11000000000000
                      10000000000000 c=5, 11111’s deleted
AND                    1000000000000
                                   0 c=6, 111111’s deleted
like image 157
Stefan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10


Ruby might not be a good choice for your project. The strength of ruby is not it's performance but that it lets you do things like:

n.to_s(2).scan(/1+/).sort.last.length - 1

instead of writing mountains of code. Really just about any other language is likely to perform better if you don't mind writing complex code (which you don't seem to).

like image 25
pguardiario Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10
