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Loop through files in a directory using PowerShell



People also ask

How do I read all files in a directory in PowerShell?

To get a list of child objects (folders and files) in a directory, use the Get-ChildItem PowerShell cmdlet. This is the most popular file system cmdlet. There are several aliases for ChildItem: gci, dir, ls. The Get-ChildItem cmdlet displays a list of child (nested) objects on a specified drive or directory.

How do I loop through an array in PowerShell?

PowerShell array is a collection of the single datatype or the multiple different datatypes values and looping through the array means scanning each value one by one using different available loops in PowerShell like While, For, Foreach, Do-While, etc and performing the operation on each item if required and this loop ...

Give this a try:

Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\gerhardl\Documents\My Received Files" -Filter *.log | 
Foreach-Object {
    $content = Get-Content $_.FullName

    #filter and save content to the original file
    $content | Where-Object {$_ -match 'step[49]'} | Set-Content $_.FullName

    #filter and save content to a new file 
    $content | Where-Object {$_ -match 'step[49]'} | Set-Content ($_.BaseName + '_out.log')

To get the content of a directory you can use

$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\gerhardl\Documents\My Received Files\"

Then you can loop over this variable as well:

for ($i=0; $i -lt $files.Count; $i++) {
    $outfile = $files[$i].FullName + "out" 
    Get-Content $files[$i].FullName | Where-Object { ($_ -match 'step4' -or $_ -match 'step9') } | Set-Content $outfile

An even easier way to put this is the foreach loop (thanks to @Soapy and @MarkSchultheiss):

foreach ($f in $files){
    $outfile = $f.FullName + "out" 
    Get-Content $f.FullName | Where-Object { ($_ -match 'step4' -or $_ -match 'step9') } | Set-Content $outfile

If you need to loop inside a directory recursively for a particular kind of file, use the below command, which filters all the files of doc file type

$fileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $scriptPath -Recurse -Include *.doc

If you need to do the filteration on multiple types, use the below command.

$fileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $scriptPath -Recurse -Include *.doc,*.pdf

Now $fileNames variable act as an array from which you can loop and apply your business logic.