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How to print environment variables to the console in PowerShell?



People also ask

How do I see all environment variables in PowerShell?

How do I do this in PowerShell? Answer: You can do this in one line using the env: PowerShell drive to display all of the currently set Environment variables.

How do I print an environment variable in terminal?

To display the values of environment variables, use the printenv command. If you specify the Name parameter, the system only prints the value associated with the variable you requested.

How do I print all environment variables?

Using the printenv Command Or, if we run the command without arguments, it will display all environment variables of the current shell.

Prefix the variable name with env:


For example, if you want to print the value of environment value "MINISHIFT_USERNAME", then command will be:


You can also enumerate all variables via the env drive:

Get-ChildItem env:

In addition to Mathias answer.

Although not mentioned in OP, if you also need to see the Powershell specific/related internal variables, you need to use Get-Variable:

$ Get-Variable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
$                              name
?                              True
^                              gci
args                           {}
ChocolateyTabSettings          @{AllCommands=False}
ConfirmPreference              High
DebugPreference                SilentlyContinue
EnabledExperimentalFeatures    {}
Error                          {System.Management.Automation.ParseException: At line:1 char:1...
ErrorActionPreference          Continue
ErrorView                      NormalView
ExecutionContext               System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics
false                          False
FormatEnumerationLimit         4

These also include stuff you may have set in your profile startup script.

The following is works best in my opinion:

Get-Item Env:PATH
  1. It's shorter and therefore a little bit easier to remember than Get-ChildItem. There's no hierarchy with environment variables.
  2. The command is symmetrical to one of the ways that's used for setting environment variables with Powershell. (EX: Set-Item -Path env:SomeVariable -Value "Some Value")
  3. If you get in the habit of doing it this way you'll remember how to list all Environment variables; simply omit the entry portion. (EX: Get-Item Env:)

I found the syntax odd at first, but things started making more sense after I understood the notion of Providers. Essentially PowerShell let's you navigate disparate components of the system in a way that's analogous to a file system.

What's the point of the trailing colon in Env:? Try listing all of the "drives" available through Providers like this:

PS> Get-PSDrive

I only see a few results... (Alias, C, Cert, D, Env, Function, HKCU, HKLM, Variable, WSMan). It becomes obvious that Env is simply another "drive" and the colon is a familiar syntax to anyone who's worked in Windows.

You can navigate the drives and pick out specific values:

Get-ChildItem C:\Windows
Get-Item C:
Get-Item Env:
Get-Item HKLM:

I ran across this myself. I wanted to look at the paths but have each on a separate line. This prints out the path, and splits it by the semicolon.
