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Looking for way to copy files in gulp and rename based on parent directory




For each module I have some files that need to be copied over to the build directory, and am looking for a way to minimize the repeated code from this:



to something like this:


Obviously the above doesn't work, so is there a way to do this, or an npm that already does this?


like image 868
chris Avatar asked Jan 19 '14 23:01


4 Answers

Not the answer, but applicable to this question's appearance in search results.

To copy files/folders in gulp

gulp.task('copy', () => gulp
like image 187
Kirk Strobeck Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 04:11

Kirk Strobeck

The best way is to configure your base when sourcing files, like so:

gulp.src('./client/src/modules/**/index.js', {base: './client/src/modules'})

This tells gulp to use the modules directory as the starting point for determining relative paths.

(Also, you can use /**/*.js if you want to include all JS files...)

like image 25
OverZealous Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 03:11


return gulp.src('./client/src/modules/(.*)/index.js')  

Worked for me !

like image 5
user2977367 Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 04:11


Use for preserve input directory tree will be preserved.

.pipe(gulp.dest(function(file) {
    var src = path.resolve(SRC_FOLDER);
    var final_dist = file.base.replace(src, '');
    return DIST_FOLDER + final_dist;

Using this, you can put in the src: .src(SRC_FOLDER + '/**/*.js').

The others answers not worked for me (like using base: on src()}, because some plugins flatten the directory tree.

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brnmonteiro Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 04:11
