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Looking for the Code Converter which converts C# to Java [closed]


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What are the code converters used?

A code converter is a logic circuit that changes data presented in one type of binary code to another type of binary code, such as BCD to binary, BCD to 7segment, binary to BCD, BCD to XS3, binary to Gray code, and Gray code to binary.

What is code converter type?

There are many other possible types of code converters known as BCD-to-seven-segment code converter, BCD-to-Gray code converter, BCD-to-excess-3 code converters, and so on.

Where do I find the Gray code?

An n-bit gray code can be obtained by reflecting an n-1 bit code about an axis after 2n-1 rows and putting the MSB (Most Significant Bit) of 0 above the axis and the MSB of 1 below the axis.

What is GREY code example?

For example, the representation of the decimal value "1" in binary would normally be " 001" and "2" would be " 010". In Gray code, these values are represented as " 001" and " 011". That way, incrementing a value from 1 to 2 requires only one bit to change, instead of two.

Can anybody help me by suggesting the name of an converter which converts C# code to Java code. Actually, I have a tool which is written in C# code and I am trying to modify it. As I have no idea about C# and .NET framework, it seems difficult to me to convert the large code by my own. I found from some web information that there exist some tools which can convert C# to Java (may not be properly, however they can). Can anybody help me by suggesting some name of those tools.