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looking for nudity image filter that can test the adult image from other [closed]





did any one aware of any new code/program that can filter the adult images being uploaded in website.

to my knowledge i found


now my question is ... is there any other or new image filter that could do the same process?

like image 639
sakthipriyabalaji Avatar asked Mar 02 '10 07:03


1 Answers

Yes, automatic "skin filters" based on analysis of hues and so on are not the way to go.

If your forum is for adults the most efficient system is having a mechanism allowing users to flag images as "inappropriate". You can manually remove them after inspection or automatically remove them if, say, at least 5 registered users objected to it.

If this is not feasible (ex.: school site where teens or children have access so you can't allow them to see anything before it gets flagged to oblivion) then you have to park uploaded images and have them vetted by you or another administrator before going public.

like image 188
p.marino Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09
