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looking for ideas/alternatives to providing a page/item count/navigation of items matching a GAE datastore query

I like the datastore simplicity, scalability and ease of use; and the enhancements found in the new ndb library are fabulous.

As I understand datastore best practices, one should not write code to provide item and/or page counts of matching query results when the number of items that match a query is large; because the only way to do this is to retrieve all the results which is resource intensive.

However, in many applications, including ours, it is a common desire to see a count of matching items and provide the user with the ability to navigate to a specific page of those results. The datastore paging issue is further complicated by the requirement to work around limitations of fetch(limit, offset=X) as outlined in the article Paging Through Large Datasets. To support the recommended approach, the data must include a uniquely valued column that can be ordered in the way the results are to be displayed. This column will define a starting value for each page of results; saving it, we can fetch the corresponding page efficiently, allowing navigation to a specific or next page as requested. Therefore, if you want to show results ordered in multiple ways, several such columns may need to be maintained.

It should be noted that as of SDK v1.3.1, Query Cursors are the recommended way to do datastore paging. They have some limitations, including lack of support for IN and != filter operators. Currently some of our important queries use IN, but we'll try writing them using OR for use with query cursors.

Following the guidelines suggested, a user could be given a (Next) and (Prev) navigation buttons, as well as specific page buttons as navigation proceeded. For example if the user pressed (Next) 3 times, the app could show the following buttons, remembering the unique starting record or cursor for each to keep the navigation efficient: (Prev) (Page-1) (Page-2) (Page-3) (Page-4) (Next).

Some have suggested keeping track of counts separately, but this approach isn't practical when users will be allowed to query on a rich set of fields that will vary the results returned.

I'm looking for insights on these issues in general and the following questions specifically:

  1. What navigational options of query results do you provide in your datastore apps to work around these limitations?

  2. If providing users with efficient result counts and page navigation of the entire query result set is a priority, should use of the datastore be abandoned in favor of the GAE MySql solution now being offered.

  3. Are there any upcoming changes in the big table architecture or datastore implementation that will provide additional capability for counting results of a query efficiently?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

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Richard Logwood Avatar asked Feb 22 '12 07:02

Richard Logwood

1 Answers

It all depends on how many results you typically get. E.g. by passing .count() a suitable limit you can provide an exact count if the #items is e.g. <= 100 and "many" if there are more. It sounds like you cannot pre-compute all possible counts, but at least you could cache them, thereby saving many datastore ops.

Using NDB, the most efficient approach may either be to request the first page of entities using fetch_page(), and then using the resulting cursor as a starting point for a count() call; or alternatively, you may be better off running the fetch() of the first page and the count() concurrently using its async facilities. The second option may be your only choice if your query does not support cursors. Most IN / OR queries don't currently support cursors, but they do if you order by __key__.

In terms of UI options, I think it's sufficient to offer next and previous page options; the "Gooooooogle" UI that affords skipping ahead several pages is cute but I almost never use it myself. (To implement "previous page", reverse the order of the query and use the same cursor you used for the current page. I'm pretty sure this is guaranteed to work.)

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Guido van Rossum Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10

Guido van Rossum