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How to sort by a counter when using sharded counters

I have an application where the main entity is a Story and users can vote for each story. Each vote increments a vote_count for the story.

I am concerned about write contention on the story so I plan to use a sharded counter for each story to track the votes.

Now my question: how could I get a list of stories ordered by number of votes? For example: show the 50 most highly votes stories.

My initial thought is to have a task run periodically that reads the counter values and updates a property on the actual story. It would be OK that the results of the query by vote were slightly out of date.

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cope360 Avatar asked Aug 22 '10 21:08


2 Answers

It sounds like you may be doing a bit of premature optimization. I would skip the sharded counters until it becomes obvious that you need them. If you are pretty sure you will, then by all means, start with them. As for running a periodic task and caching results in a property for each story, that may be another premature optimization.

I have no direct experience with google app engine so hopefully somebody that does will have some info to share.

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Arnold Spence Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Arnold Spence

Periodically adding up data might be a good strategy to counter the sharding dispersion of counters.

You could also try other strategies for counting without shards, as has been described elsewhere:


(there you keep your counter in memcache, and periodically flush the accumulated value to the datastore)

How critical is your app to slight counting errors?

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Felipe Hoffa Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09

Felipe Hoffa