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longjmp() from signal handler

I'm using the following code to try to read an input from user and timeout and exit if more than 5 seconds pass. This is accomplished through a combination of setjmp/longjmp and the SIGALRM signal.

Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>

jmp_buf buffer;

// this will cause t_gets() to return -2
void timeout() {
    longjmp(buffer, 1);

int t_gets(char* s, int t)
    char* ret;
    signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
    if (setjmp(buffer) != 0)
        return -2; // <--- timeout() will jump here
    // if fgets() does not return in t seconds, SIGALARM handler timeout()
    // will be called, causing t_gets() to return -2
    ret = fgets(s, 100, stdin);
    if (ret == NULL ) return -1;
    return strlen(s);

int main()
    char s[100];
    int z=t_gets(s, 5);
    printf("%d\n", z); 

Now, my question is if there's anything that can go wrong with this function. I've read that calling longjmp() from a signal handler can have undefined behaviour, what exactly is it refferring to?

Also, what if the alarm triggers right after fgets() returns, but before alarm(0) is called? Will it cause the function to return -2 even if the user did input something?

LATER EDIT: I'm not interested in ways to improve the code. I just want to know how it might fail.

like image 958
sttwister Avatar asked Nov 11 '09 14:11


3 Answers

From the man page for longjmp:

POSIX does not specify whether longjmp() will restore the signal context. If you want to save and restore signal masks, use siglongjmp()

Your second question: Yes, the function will return -2 because longjmp() will cause it to go to the setjmp(buffer) part, but the timing will have to be very precise.

like image 142
Wernsey Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 10:11


When it comes to what could go wrong when behavior is undefined, the only answer you can count on is "anything, including nothing". Maybe nothing goes wrong, maybe you get a segfault, maybe you get nasal daemons.

More specific answers depend on which system and release you're working with. For example, on Linux distros (at least, all since 2000), the kernel performs some tasks after the signal handler returns. If you longjmp, you'll probably leave junk on the kernel stack that could cause problems later on, such as erroneously returning to the code your program was executing when the signal was caught (the call to 'fgets' in the example). Or not.

Calling longjmp within a signal handler can also (in general, but probably not in your example) introduce a security hole.

like image 2
outis Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 11:11


Another nice (or ugly depending on your perspective) way to make fgets bail out would be:

int tmp = dup(0);
ret = fgets(s, 100, stdin);
if (!ret && errno == EBADF) clearerr(stdin);
dup2(tmp, 0);

And in the signal handler:


Presumably this works even on ancient systems without sigaction and with BSD signal semantics.

like image 2
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 10:11