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login password required to access jupyter notebook running in nvidia-docker container

I run this command in the following order in order to run tensoflow in docker container after successful installation in Ubuntu 16.04 (NVIDIA GPU GeFORCE 840M) .

1.sudo service docker start 2.sudo nvidia-docker run -it -p 8888:8888 gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu

Then I try to access jupyter in firefox browser by typing localhost:8888 and I am asked to enter the login password in the browser. What is the solution?

like image 809
Innovator-programmer Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 09:03


1 Answers

add option "-e PASSWORD=password" to set the environment variable. The set password is then the password for the jupyter login.

like image 135
gspoosi Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 07:04
