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Unable to push docker image on local private registry

I'am struggling with this problem. I have to push a docker image (which work rigthly with docker-compose up) to my local registry which was setup with the following command:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

This is the output of 'docker ps'

5fe319f37d5c registry:latest "/entrypoint.sh /etc/" 41 hours ago Up About an hour>5000/tcp registry

I follow the steps to push the image:

docker-compose up --build docker tag gatewayapi_api localhost:5000/gatewayapi_api docker push localhost:5000/gatewayapi_api

but in every case I obtain

file integrity checksum failed for "etc/default/cacerts

I try every solution (restart docker, clean image, restart registry)

Thanks in advance.

like image 468
alohisius Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 03:03


2 Answers

In this GitHub issue people are sharing their findings how to fix that issue.


  • On docker for Mac you might need to increase docker VM memory in the app Preferences->Advanced->Memory
  • If did not help then cleanup might do it (helped me): docker system prune -a
like image 154
Vasyl Boroviak Avatar answered Mar 13 '23 16:03

Vasyl Boroviak

Does your registry work correctly with an official image? Like this:

docker pull alpine
docker tag alpine localhost:5000/my-alpine
docker push localhost:5000/my-alpine
like image 30
Elton Stoneman Avatar answered Mar 13 '23 18:03

Elton Stoneman