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Logical operations on Java enums

I have a project where, in different scenarios, I have to work on different subsets of a large dataset. The way I have written the code, there is a Collector interface, and a class DataCollector implements Collector. The class DataCollector is instantiated with the condition of the subset-creation, and these conditions are enums.

Let's say the dataset is a set of 1 million English words, and I want to work on the subset of words consisting of odd number of letters. Then, I do the following:

DataCollector dataCollector = new DataCollector(CollectionType.WORDS_OF_ODD_LENGTH);
Set<String> fourLetteredWords = dataCollector.collect();

where CollectionType is the enum class

enum CollectionType {

The data collector calls a java.util.Predicate depending on the enum with which it was instantiated.

So far, this approach has been robust and flexible enough, but now I am facing increasingly complex scenarios (e.g., collect words of even length starting with a vowel). I would like to avoid adding new CollectionType for every such scenario. What I have noticed is that many of these complex scenarios are just logical operations on the simpler ones (e.g., condition_1 && (condition_2 || condition_3)).

The end-user is the one who specifies these conditions, and the only control I have is that I can specify the set of such conditions. As in, the end-user can only select from CollectionType. Right now, I am trying to generalize from the ability to select only one condition to the ability to select one or more. For that, I need something like

DataCollector dataCollector = new DataCollector(WORDS_OF_ODD_LENGTH &&

Is there a way I model my enums to carry out such operations? I am open to other ideas (as in, should I just scrap this enum-based approach for something else, etc.).

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Chthonic Project Avatar asked Feb 01 '15 20:02

Chthonic Project

1 Answers

I suggest you use Java 8 which has Predicate and operations supporting predicates.

enum CollectionType implements Predicate<String> {
    WORDS_OF_ODD_LENGTH(s -> s.length() % 2 != 0),
    STARTING_WITH_VOWEL(s -> isVowel(s.charAt(0))),

    private final Predicate<String> predicate;

    CollectionType(Predicate<String> predicate) {
        this.predicate = predicate;

    static boolean isVowel(char c) {
        return "AEIOUaeiou".indexOf(c) >= 0;

    public boolean test(String s) {
        return predicate.test(s);

    public static boolean complexCheck(String s) {
        // many lines of code, calling many methods

The you can write a Predicate like


or even five letter words starting with a vowel

Predicate<String> p = STARTING_WITH_VOWEL.and(s -> s.length() == 5);

Say you wanted to use this filter on reading the file, you can do

List<String> oddWords = Files.lines(path).filter(WORDS_OF_ODD_LENGTH).collect(toList());

Or you could index them as you load them with

Map<Integer, List<String>> wordsBySize = Files.lines(path)
                                .collect(groupBy(s -> s.length()));

Even though you have made your enum is a Predicate you can optimise its usage like this.

if (predicate == WORDS_OF_ODD_LENGTH || predicate == WORDS_OF_EVEN_LENGTH) {
    // assume if the first word in a list of words of the same length
    // then take all words of that length.
    return wordsBySize.values().stream()
                               .filter(l -> predicate.test(l.get(0)))
                               .flatMap(l -> l.stream()).collect(toList());
} else {
    return wordsBySize.values().stream()
                               .flatMap(l -> l.stream())

i.e. by using enum you can recognise some predicates and optimise for them. (Whether that is a good idea or not I will leave to you)

like image 59
Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

Peter Lawrey