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Logging API for AS3

quick question, I've been looking for a simple logging tool for AS3 projects (I do not want any Flex dependencies) and my impression so far has been that there is no actively developed project.

What I need is basic logging, and adapters to allow me to send logging to file (using AIR and a LocalConnection maybe) and maybe send to html div etc.

Anyone have any opinions on a simple, light weight project?

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BefittingTheorem Avatar asked Mar 05 '09 13:03


1 Answers

We have recently started a project called AS3Commons that contains an early implementation of an AS3 Logging framework. We're aiming to provide a Logging abstraction API that allows you to plug in adapters for other logging frameworks. We also have a built-in logger that logs using trace.

It's usage is similar to other logging frameworks.

private static var logger:ILogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.domain.Class");

Check it at http://code.google.com/p/as3-commons/

Any feedback is appreciated.

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Christophe Herreman Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

Christophe Herreman