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logging all BigQuery queries

Is it possible to have all BigQuery requests logged to a file in Cloud Storage (or even better into a BigQuery table)? It seems like the --apilog option available in bq is intended mainly for debugging purposes, but what I'd like to do is keep track of all queries, just like logging all access requests on a particular file in CloudStorage.

To be more specific, I don't just want to log my own queries, but (a) queries by all users within the same project, and optimally also (b) queries by anyone touching a table in a dataset that I own.

like image 956
SheRey Avatar asked Jul 01 '15 00:07


2 Answers

I know its late, but GCP in its latest releases introduced this new feature of Audit logs.

Refer this - Audit Logs BQ

like image 115
bunny Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11


In the CLI, you can run bq ls -j -a to retrieve jobs for all users in a project. You can redirect all output to a storage file.

Then you can run for each job id a bq show -j <job_id> and in order to have more details you will choose to use the json response:

bq show --format=prettyjson -j job_joQEqPwOiOoBlOhDBEgKxQAlKJQ

this returns the following format which have your query, your user and bytesprocessed etc...

  "configuration": {
    "dryRun": false, 
    "query": {
      "createDisposition": "CREATE_IF_NEEDED", 
      "destinationTable": {
        "datasetId": "", 
        "projectId": "", 
        "tableId": ""
      "query": "", 
      "writeDisposition": "WRITE_TRUNCATE"
  "etag": "", 
  "id": "", 
  "jobReference": {
    "jobId": "", 
    "projectId": ""
  "kind": "bigquery#job", 
  "selfLink": "", 
  "statistics": {
    "creationTime": "1435006022346", 
    "endTime": "1435006144730", 
    "query": {
      "cacheHit": false, 
      "totalBytesProcessed": "105922683030"
    "startTime": "1435006023171", 
    "totalBytesProcessed": "105922683030"
  "status": {
    "state": "DONE"
  "user_email": ""

Using the API you need to pass allUsers property to list jobs from all users https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/jobs/list#allUsers

like image 5
Pentium10 Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11
