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LogCat is missing the filters options

People also ask

What is regex in Logcat?

regexp,AndroidStudio,logcat. Logcat provides several default filter options (Verbose, Info, Debug etc) and a simple pattern match filter, but the regex filter is the most powerful option for customizing logcat output.

What is Logcat dump?

Logcat is a command-line tool that dumps a log of system messages, including stack traces when the device throws an error and messages that you have written from your app with the Log class. This page is about the command-line logcat tool, but you can also view log messages from the Logcat window in Android Studio.

What is TID in Logcat?

You can refer to google description about logcat: PID stands for process identifier and TID is thread identifier; they can be the same if there's only one thread.

What is Logcat tab in eclipse?

In Eclipse, Goto Window-> Show View -> Other -> Android-> Logcat. Logcat is nothing but a console of your Emulator or Device.

There is a way to make it appear. Just click the "Event log" label in the bottom-right of AS.

But it may will miss again in some case... I guess whether it's a bug of AS.

This bug is still existing in Android Studio 3.5 the lastest stable version, I got it just now(08/26/2019 3:13PM).

Had this problem on Android Studio 3.2 Beta 4 (Windows 64-bit). Toggling 'Floating Mode' on and off again made the filters reappear. Bit faster than exiting Android Studio if you're lucky enough.

Had the same problem.

Exit and restart Android Studio and it should be fixed.

Interestingly, the first time I tried to re-open Android Studio I got a crash. But the second time it worked fine. Perhaps there's a bug somewhere.

enter image description hereSee This Image Here, Bottom of android studio left side corner click the rectangle icon.

Restart Android Studio didn't help me, nor toggling floating mode, but clicking the "Event log" label in the bottom-right of AS did the trick!