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Android Studio rendering problems

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How do I fix rendering problems?

Update the Studio Cache to Fix Rendering Problems Rebuilding Studio's cache can sometimes fix the rendering problems. Close all but one Android project. Use the File menu to select Invalidate Caches/Restart. Confirm the action when the Invalidate Caches message box appears by clicking the Invalidate and Restart button.

What does render problem mean in Android Studio?

rendering problem caused your designer preview used higher API level than your current android API level. Adjust with your current API Level. If the API level isn't in the list, you'll need to install it via the SDK Manager.

What is rendering in Android Studio?

UI Rendering is the act of generating a frame from your app and displaying it on the screen. To ensure that a user's interaction with your app is smooth, your app should render frames in under 16ms to achieve 60 frames per second (why 60fps?).

Change your android version on your designer preview into your current version depend on your Manifest. rendering problem caused your designer preview used higher API level than your current android API level.

Adjust with your current API Level

Adjust with your current API Level. If the API level isn't in the list, you'll need to install it via the SDK Manager.

In new update android studio 2.2 facing rendering issue then follow this steps.

I fixed it - in styles.xml file I changed




It's some kind of hack I came across a long time ago to solve similar rendering problems in previous Android Studio versions.

  1. Open AndroidManifest.xml
  2. Change:


    to something like:

  3. Hit "refresh" button in the "Previev" tab.

I was able to fix this in Android Studio 0.2.0 by changing API from API 18: Android 4.3 to API 17: Android 4.2.2

This is under the Android icon menu in the top right of the design window.

This was a solution from http://www.hankcs.com/program/mobiledev/idea-this-version-of-the-rendering-library-is-more-recent-than-your-version-of-intellij-idea-please-update-intellij-idea.html.This required a Google translation into English since it was in another language.

Hope it helps.

In the Latest Android Studio 3.1.3, Dependency:

implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0-alpha3'


Even in latest by 27th of Aug 18 ie

implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0-rc01' facing similar issue

Change it to

    implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0-alpha1

This will solve your problem of Preview.


Still, in beta01 there is a preview problem for latest appcompact v7 library make the above change as changing it to alpha01 for solving rendering problem

When I set that android:autofillHints="" /> in .xml file, I met the issue, Android Studio rendering problems, so I set that android:autofillHints="testHint" />, this issue is gone.

I have solved the Problem by changing style.xml

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
     <!-- Customize your theme here. -->

this was an awesom solution.