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Visual Studio Code - Target of URI doesn't exist 'package:flutter/material.dart'

Restarting Visual Studio Code after

flutter pub get

resolved the error messages for me.

source: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/using-packages

flutter clean

flutter packages get

flutter packages upgrade ( Optional - use if you want to upgrade packages )

Restart Android Studio or Visual Studio

Author of the Dart Code plugin here! From the screenshot, I would say this is because your flutter project is in a sub-folder of the folder open in Code. We only scan the opened-folder to check whether it's a Flutter project - which then changes the SDK we launch and also enables the Flutter functionality (like the daemon and debugger).

You should re-open the "todo" folder directly.

If you want to have multiple projects open together, use multi-root workspaces, since Dart Code is multi-root-aware and will check each of the folders in the workspace when deciding if it needs to enable Flutter functionality.


This case should be better supported in the Dart plugin now, so opening the immediate parent folder of a Flutter project should work as expected.

If you have used the flutter packages get command and the error still persists, you can simply reload VS code the Developer: Reload Window command. Simply type that in after pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P for Mac users). It will clear the error. It's like refreshing VS Code.