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logback : SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy not deleting files with 4 digit "%i"




We are using SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy/SizeAndTimeBasedFNATP in our product (logback 1.1.3). Here is snip from the logback configuration file :

<appender name="SERVER_FILE"
        Roll log file on both time (per day) and size (250mb). Gzip on roll.
    <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
        <!-- location and name of rolled log files -->
        <!-- keep 30 days worth of history -->
            <!-- whenever the file size reaches 250MB, roll it -->
        <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{24} [%C{1}.%M]</pattern>

The log files generated have the following names : myabc-2016-11-21.0.gz, myabc-2016-11-21.1.gz, myabc-2016-11-21.2.gz etc.

The problem is if a log file has extension (%i) more than 3 digits, it is not being deleted after 30 days (maxHistory). For example, myabc-2016-11-21.0.gz gets deleted after 30 days, but myabc-2016-11-21.1000.gz is NOT getting deleted.

Is there any other appender/configuration which I need to add to the logback configuration file to make sure files with more than 3 digit extension also gets deleted or is it a bug in logback?

[I have tried with logback 1.1.7, but that did not help]

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Arnab Biswas Avatar asked Oct 20 '16 03:10

Arnab Biswas

1 Answers

I have the same problem, looked to logback source code (version 1.2.3)

package - ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.helper

and found this line buf.append("(\\d{1,3})");

so it is hardcoded to 1-3 digit integer, where 1000 exceeds this interval and new log files with index over 1000 are not replacing the old ones, but keep appending to filesystem.

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peter.cambal Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09
