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define mockito when with multiple any arguments

I am trying to define when mockito method with multiple any arguments:

TestBedDaoClient testBedDaoClient = mock(TestBedDaoClient.class);
when(testBedDaoClient.addTestBed(anyString(), anyString(), any(VCloudConfiguration.class))).thenReturn(testBedPojoMockData);

In target test class:

TestBedPojo addedTestBedPojo = testBedDaoClient.addTestBed(testBedName, testBedDescription, vCloudConfiguration);

In DAO client:

public TestBedPojo addTestBed(String testBedName, String testBedDescription, VCloudConfiguration vCloudConfiguration){
     return testBedPojo;

I wanted to define when in such a way that it returns testBedPojoMockData with any values of arguments. But I am getting error: Argument(s) are different!

I even tried:

when(testBedDaoClient.addTestBed("test", "test", any(VCloudConfiguration.class))).thenReturn(testBedPojoMockData);
when(testBedDaoClient.addTestBed(any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(testBedPojoMockData);

But no luck. How I can define this when so that it returns the mock data on any call?

like image 521
Shashi Ranjan Avatar asked Oct 03 '16 11:10

Shashi Ranjan

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1 Answers

The correct combination of when and verify should be used. It's failing on any other combination of argument in addTestBed method.

when(testBedDaoClient.addTestBed(anyString(), anyString(), any(VCloudConfiguration.class))).thenReturn(testBedPojoMockData);
//calling target method
verify(testBedDaoClient, times(1)).addTestBed(anyString(), anyString(), any(VCloudConfiguration.class));
like image 52
Shashi Ranjan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Shashi Ranjan