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Loading non amd modules with require.js

Currently I am using require.js for a fun side project I am working everything is working fine except a code syntax higlighting plugin called prism.js. I can see that the plugin is being pulled via the network tab in chrome, but the plugin isn't initializing.

I am not sure if it's a require problem or uf the plugin is the issue and was wondering if anyone could help.

Here is a look at my main.js:

  // 3rd party script alias names
  paths: {
    // Core Libraries
    modernizr: "libs/modernizr",
    jquery: "libs/jquery",
    underscore: "libs/lodash",
    backbone: "libs/backbone",
    handlebars: "libs/handlebars",

    text: "libs/text",
    prism: "plugins/prism",

    templates: "../templates"
  // Sets the configuration for your third party scripts that are not AMD compatible
  shim: {
    "backbone": {
      "deps": ["underscore", "jquery", "handlebars"],
      "exports": "Backbone"  //attaches "Backbone" to the window object

// Include Specific JavaScript
require(['prism', 'modernizr', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'routers/router', 'views/AppVIew' ],
  function(Prism, Modernizr, $, Backbone, Router, App) {
    this.router = new Router();
    this.App = new App();
like image 594
Lawrence Avatar asked Oct 31 '12 23:10


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2 Answers

Change the shim section to include prism, and make sure it exports "Prism":

shim: {
  "backbone": {
      "deps": ["underscore", "jquery", "handlebars"],
      "exports": "Backbone"  //attaches "Backbone" to the window object
  "prism": {
      "exports": "Prism"
like image 153
Chris Salzberg Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Chris Salzberg

Handlebars and Prism are not compatible with AMD(Asyncronous Module Definition) so you need to shim it yourself like below;

    shim: {
        'backbone': {
            "deps": ["underscore", "jquery", "handlebars"],
            "exports": "Backbone"  //attaches "Backbone" to the window object
        'handlebars': {
            "exports": 'Handlebars'
        'prism': {
            "exports": "Prism"

You may wish to look at the require.js shim documentation site; http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config-shim

Hope this will help

like image 28
Gokhan Tank Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Gokhan Tank